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    Yeah, his love of the Postal Service was blinding him.

    "We are meant to reference the Who when discussing cop shows, right?"

    Bridgewater takes the checkdown option so quick because his sieve-like offensive line would probably be improved if you replaced one or two linemen with an actual sieve. Really, that seems to be his biggest issue as a QB right now, that he's running for his life most of the game.

    No. For that, you need construction workers.

    You know, that category on your iTunes that you can sort songs by.

    Yeah, the quotation marks are filling way too many different functions in that post.

    This is exactly what I try to explain to everyone who looks askance at my love of Kid Rock. When you're a teenage boy, and your ba wit da ba da bang a dig diggy, it's good to know that a diggy wit da boogie and up jumps da boogy.

    Of course, there's also the detail that in Shakespeare's time, "nothing" was often used as slang for female genitalia. Which does not reduce the accuracy of the title at all.

    Not to mention that Hitchcock directed a film called "The Secret Agent" and adapted Joseph Conrad's novel "The Secret Agent," and they're not the same film. In fact, the Conrad adaptation is "Sabotage!" Or maybe "Saboteur?" I forget.

    But then you can have the sequel where people whose faces have been chewed off and whose guts are hanging out of their torsos come back to life and are now horribly disfigured with expensive medical problems!

    I'm so enraged I'm going to go find someone and eat their brains.

    Probably because the combat AI in Civ V is just dreadful.

    I know it's even farther outside the timeline than the Forsyte Saga, but I was disappointed to see that Brideshead Revisited was not on here. It's so nostalgic for the period during which all the titles on this list take place that I feel it should have been grandfathered (grandsonned?) in. Anyway, the title didn't

    Probably because the Heathcliff/Catherine relationship resembles every single romantic relationship that anyone who went to film or theatre school is likely to have experienced.

    You should really read Ulysses. In fact, it would be cool if you went and read it now, and didn't come back until you finished it, so you could give us your thoughts.

    Imagine if a genie or some other supernatural entity appeared in front of you and said "I will give you twenty million dollars, but in exchange, millions of people you will never meet will suddenly have a slightly negative opinion of you. Not enough to track you down and kill you, just enough so that someone hosting a

    He was obviously visiting his mother every two weeks and having her clean them for him. Do you even remember college?

    Man, I really hope they don't do a "fatal flaw" episode with Ryan, one of those cop-outs where an outside-the-main-cast romance has been built up over multiple episodes…but now needs to be snuffed out quick because the actor's contract is up. Too many sitcoms take an immediate way out with guest characters.

    The main cast is exactly as big as the cast of Friends or Happy Endings. I don't think they've got too many people for a sitcom.