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    "I don't get it, you've got warm/warm, cold/cold, warm/cold, HOT/HOT-"

    He probably just takes everything to the cleaners. It actually fits with his established image more than the idea of him doing laundry every night.

    They didn't "drop" him so much as he seemed to realize he was a classically-trained pianist who could probably do more than take Craig Finn's songs and turn them from "great" to "transcendent."

    When you someone pizza sex it.

    People who buy music shrug, continue listening to music, as this does not affect them in any way whatsoever.

    Well then, score one for indecency and lack of respectability, both of whom turn out to be on the right side of things again.

    Being the lowest review isn't necessarily being an outlier- if I remember my stats class right, a number only qualifies as an outlier if it's three standard deviations from the mean.

    I'd disagree that Metacritic is useful- a single scoreless review by a writer whose taste I am passingly familiar with will tell me more about how I'm likely to react to an album than an entire page of numbers and blurbs. Which is why I'm here- I'd rather read a whole review than look at a page of arbitrary

    I know, man! I was really scared until I got to this comment!

    Based on the review, it sounds like the reviewer thought TV on the Radio's attempt to make a pop album resulted in an album that was lighter on ideas or interesting musical hooks than a pop album should be.

    Oh, thank fucking God we know what Metacritic thinks. I was afraid I was going to have to generate an opinion without knowing how it relates to the larger critical consensus!

    "Hey, this element of the show doesn't seem to make sense given the show's world."
    "Actually, there's a perfectly good in-world explanation for it. [explains element]."
    "Whatever. I don't like the main character. Did I mention that the main character is female, and the characteristics that would make her more agreeable

    You guys need to stop writing these things on your smartphones- Caitlin's phone autocorrected "Downton Abbey" to "Dollhouse."

    Yeah, say what you will about the Catholic Church's corruption and pedophilia scandals, it managed to scar a few generations of talented writers and directors in just the right way.

    He was trying to melt their feet, but they kept dodging. Those mechs are surprisingly nimble.

    It definitely has more of a creepy undercurrent than this review suggest (the fantasy sequence that has a shot of Lloyd lifting up Mary's skirt and looking down is pretty gross), but I think it stays on the right side of the line- the joke is about how disturbing and weird Lloyd's fixation on Mary actually is.

    Clearly you make every second of your day count toward productivity, which is why you are on this site with all us super-productive individuals.

    Oh man, I just finished a political-canvassing job in Denver (it was for Udall; clearly we didn't do nearly enough) and my main takeaway was that, as much as everybody likes to talk about how it's a dog-friendly town, about how everyone loves their dogs so much, there's a shit-ton of people who clearly love the idea

    Man, I have to stop watching these when I'm tired.

    My favorite "Nick discovers his gay side" bit was: