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    Excellent interview. Gleeson has some interesting things to say about the way his various directors work, which sort of makes me wish there had been time to discuss Braveheart. I really wonder what Mel Gibson is like as a director- it doesn't seem like a job where you can insulate yourself as much as you can when

    "Why didn't we try making a movie out of… we did? And it barely made back its $40 million budget?"

    Also, Trans4mers just passed $1 billion worldwide, over 75% of which was from foreign countries. I think foreign audiences just really, really like seeing American cities destroyed.

    Uh- the human and spirit worlds are already united, and aside from the occasional building evacuation or spiritist innkeeper, it mostly seems to be going fine. If that was Zaheer's goal, I imagine the final episode would end with him fighting through the last of Korra's defenders, coming face to face with her, and

    Paabu tackling one of the spirits was my personal favorite.

    I think they probably didn't do "Black Lotus" because that would literally make this a black vs. white conflict, and the show creators have always been pretty good about trying to find more complex stories than that.

    "[Chapman's] love of “woody” words is especially keen. (And maybe a sly in-joke?
    Because he’s gay, and “woody” is slang for “erection.” I’m not sure if
    you caught that. It’s okay, I’m here to help.)"

    or eye a cock.

    It's not "unfinished"- the Trojan Horse is only a minor event in Homer-canon, mentioned briefly in The Odyssey, but generally unimportant to the story of the Iliad. Later Greek poets made a bigger deal about it, but Homer's mostly concerned with showing the fall of Hector and using it to foreshadow the fall of

    You need two Gamecubes with eight controllers to properly enjoy Double Dash, which was a hefty bill even for Nintendo fanboys. The Gamecube was full of expensive experiments like that that didn't quite justify their cost- think of Zelda Four Swords or Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, both which were played using four

    I started reading the Song of Ice and Fire series on my Kindle during a vacation. I figured I'd just buy Game of Thrones and take my time. Two days later, I was finished and had to know what happened next. Lo and behold, on the last page there was an option to buy Clash of Kings! I didn't even need to get off the

    But it's so awkward buying porn at Circle K!

    Bicycle Repairman is great because you get to hear the Pythons attempting American accents.

    My favorite detail is how, when Varrick pops up out of nowhere, Bolin says "VARRICK!" in a way that suggests he's completely overjoyed to see him. Which kind of makes sense, seeing how he made Bolin into a big film star (and also because Bolin is definitely the closest thing this show has to an audience-surrogate

    Hopefully it's just a long con and he turns out to be the guy that shoots Corddry's character in the dick.

    Hannibal hates his guts.

    Or Joseph Smith.

    Yeah, there's a few of us on the site, and we tend to left-of-center, which makes it slightly aggravating when other comments seem to lump all Christians in with the end-timers. Not believing in God is one thing, but it gets really irritating when people refuse to believe that I exist.

    The Philosophers' World Cup is great, though in my mind the only way to improve sketch that contains a Franz Beckenbauer reference is to surround it with a bunch of philosophy jokes.

    I thought so for a while, but on my most recent re-watch, I noticed that, right after Shaw gets away with "bat urine," Wilde and Whistler lock eyes and nod- they're agreeing to put aside their rivalry to stick it to Shaw.