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    Random Pedantry and Volunteer Copy-Editing Post:

    "dogpiled at?"

    But he acknowledged that he was basically contractually obligated to say this movie would be great before telling us the movie would be great! So we know he's actually telling the truth!

    On the other hand, we haven't been introduced to the Starks' butler yet. This would be a good time to bring him onstage and reveal the information that finally allows the Starks and Lannisters to team up and defeat the Sandman.

    Bran will yell out his name when he's praying in the godswood, he'll get distracted looking for the voice and not notice the assassins sneaking up behind him, and he'll get stabbed in the past, completely erasing the future as we know it. That is how the TV series will end, and all so that Sean Bean can get killed

    Not really, we've got plenty of books on the subject, which are a more appropriate medium for nuanced theological discussion anyway.

    I think the presence of "grammatically" makes it more likely that "incorrect" is modifying "did," rather than "it," but there's enough wiggle room there that he's in the clear.

    Recommending VICE documentaries, now? Did the AV Club turn into every friend I make a point to avoid hanging out with outside of groups?

    I'm finally playing through Bioshock Infinite, so now I can go back and read all the spoiler discussions in about ten hours once I actually finish.

    Of everything great in that monologue, my favorite detail is how the last few sentences mention the omnipresence of dairy products in the couple's home, presumably because the wife has been ordering them on a schedule commensurate with her sexual appetites rather than her appetite for dairy products.

    Neither could Wilson. That done doodle torments him to this day. He would wake up screaming in the middle of the night. His marriage fell apart, he started hitting the bottle. Then, they came through his door when he was at his lowest, asking for help. A chance at redemption: the doodle had struck again. If it

    Jack White was just thinking about that.

    What was the next one going to be called? "Jam Session?"

    The song's a pretty respectable effort, especially when you factor in the lack of a drummer- it's all drum machines, but it doesn't sound like an attempt to ape techno or go embarrassingly "contemporary"- it might be embarrassing in other respects, but it's a recognizable Smashing Pumpkins song through and through,

    Oh, I'd say you tend to get through to people- even if I don't often agree with you, your comments often make me rethink and attempt to justify my principles, many of which I find I've inherited without thinking about them hard enough. And that's helpful, as I believe that "rules about grammar/usage passed down with

    I would totally correct someone's phonetic spelling outside the context of an interview. And the fact that these errors might be limited to specific contexts is hardly an argument for doing away with them, because
    (1) there are a lot of those contexts in our society, most of them not as clear as a job interview, and

    *Randy Gorehole rages inwardly as his "rezoomay" is rejected by another employer*

    I'm guessing it's this one:

    Can't it be both?

    He has his people call their people.