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    Yes, it's too bad… that woman… wasn't actually raped?

    You rhyme "folderol" with "chapparal," you hipster.

    Found it! Now what do I do with it?

    Anyone know why the episodes aren't showing up on Nick.com? And are there any *ahem* places anyone might have heard of to watch episodes if they continue not to put them up on Nick.com? I try to watch when the show airs, but that's difficult to do on Friday nights sometimes.

    Why did YOU think the Creevy boys kept spending all that time around Harry?

    Interesting- I've never heard of "epic fantasy" as a subgenre, or maybe I did, but I just assumed it was people who abuse superlatives trying to describe a fantasy they liked. Always good to learn new terms, though!

    Nah, you just say "My wife had a heavy and unexpected period." Then you look DIRECTLY INTO THE JANITOR'S EYES. DO NOT BREAK EYE CONTACT. HE WILL ASK NO QUESTIONS.

    I hear that the simian uprising in Boyhood barely has any motion-capture at all. On one hand, actually giving machine guns to chimpanzees arguably made it look more authentic than DotPotA, but they also had to cut it all to hell to make it fit in the story. Also, some people are angry about the group of

    Wasn't exactly stopping him before, if I remember correctly.

    She's trying to keep them fed, one ear, hand, or finger at a time.

    I was really hoping that, immediately after he left, Sonya would turn around, smile to herself, and declare to no one in particular, "Now I have a boyfriend!"

    Oooh, I love chiaroscuro lighting.

    The list of complaints you're enumerating about Rowling only increase my sense that you're trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. To be fair to you, the novels do get more world-buildy near the end, and for the most part I think they suffer for it. Rowling's plotting works well when she's setting up a mystery,

    Well, you got it in one- the Potter series starts out in a very Dahl-like world with the Dursleys and Harry's awful childhood, and the amount of time we stay in that world suggests to me that Rowling is trying to establish a similar set of expectations for her books. But there are some other similarities:

    "Yeah, I find it hard to begrudge her a little honest sadness."
    - Shia Lebeouf

    I can't wait for the exciting sequence where Janson uses a technically-illegal car radar jammer to make it marginally more difficult for the government agents to track him. Or something like that, I read the book when I was 17 and that's the only thing I remember.

    Considering that Rowling's books are much more in the vein of Roald Dahl books than any modern fantasy authors, I'd sort of like to see what would happen if people leveled similar complaints about worldbuilding at his books:

    Magic Bus and Magic Train have the proper licenses, and are presumably funded by the secret wizard government. The magic car was Arthur Weasley's little side project that he unwisely started to use in everyday life- kind of the equivalent of fixing up an unregistered, street-illegal foreign car in your garage, and

    "Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Russians bombed Dresden?"

    Wow, cool little detail. I never thought of that.