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    Klosterman's already written about the Chris Gaines album.

    But there's also the conversation you overhear between a Salarian and Turian where both are convinced that the Asari basically look like their own species. Considering that the Asari apparently adapt to survive by mating (okay, "mind-melding" or whatever) with members of other species, I think it's possible that they

    Eh, Ferris strikes me as an obsessive craftsman, so it would make sense that he would start upon an idea that just doesn't connect with a certain proportion of the population at all, and then just polish the shit out of it. I really liked And Then We Came to the End, but I haven't bothered to pick up The Unnamed, and

    Interesting idea. My own counterpoint would be that Pacific Rim had all of those things, but didn't do nearly as well at the box office: Transformers 3 made $1.1 billion, Pacific Rim made $400 million. Both films have long action sequences, scripts that were criticized for having shallow characters, attractive people

    Well, as my comment about you feeling threatened shows, I don't have your gift of knowing what was going through someone's mind when they wrote something. I wouldn't characterize any of the reviews or even the comments on this board as "expecting Lawrence of Arabia"- in fact, they generally seem well-versed in Bay's

    If millions of people are going to watch it and like it, why do you seem so threatened by the prospect of us talking about it? I don't go to your bar and explain that the billiards are just going to end up behind the glass where you have to pay 3 quarters for them again; why do you want to police what I do in my free

    I was thinking Dr. Strangelove myself.

    Ebert's review of Armageddon has a first sentence that doubles as the most succinct encapsulation of Bay's style ever:

    The actual term is "Dutch angle," or alternatively "canted angle." Since "canted" means tilted, it appears that "Dutch" is synonymous with "tilted" (anyone who has had to supervise an unruly drunken Nederlander would deem this appropriate), so "Dutch tilt" would be redundant.

    The book that won the Nobel Honor Prize was named Scorpions, not The Scorpion. I picked it up on a whim in 5th grade, and remember really loving it. Myers was one of those dependable YA authors whose books could always be recommended with the knowledge that the kid would get a good story out of it.

    I love how Dwight does manage to pull off a perfect Jim face.

    Directly to Angela taking pre-emptive Tylenol, no less.

    I love how the apology video gradually turns into the Michael Scott equivalent of a terrorist video.

    You can tell Link really likes his hat because it's all he ever talks about when he's swinging his sword. He's all, "HAAAT! HAAAT! HAAAAAAAAAAT!"

    Or his dedicated porn parody actor, Alan Two-Dick.

    But the Avatar: The Last Airbender game was so good! I got all 1000 Gamerscore points after playing for two minutes!

    Your inner child sounds like a pretentious asshole.

    Maybe there was something wrong with the theater you saw it in- the kaiju I saw all had glowing neon coloration all around them. Can't explain your opinion about the fight scenes, though. They were well-framed, good sense of geography, lots of variation in the way the kaiju and jaegers attacked each other, and that

    Why are they just dropping Legend of Korra on us like this out of nowhere? If they'd announced a few days ago that Book 3 was coming in 6 months, I'd be thinking "that's awesome! It's much less of a wait than the wait between Books 1 and 2, and it seems like they've really figured out how to make a season without

    Sometimes I wonder if I like the Cheese Shop sketch so much because I first heard it on Monty Python's The Final Insult album. Without any audience to pause for and a chance to fix their mistakes (they attribute Rogue Herries correctly to Hugh Walpole), that sketch is like being pummeled with comic momentum. The way