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    Cersei also gets the upper hand on Tyrion because he decides he wants to be noble and rides out to battle, which leads to the Kingsguard getting a shot at him, which leads to his convalescence, during which Cersei cleans him out. If he hadn't given into his inner Ned Stark, she doesn't get the chance.

    On the other hand, Altair looked about as Arabic as Aladdin.

    But it makes sense that Cersei's off her game: she's drinking as much wine as the entire cast of Cougar Town, Tyrion's seemingly-effortless escape and murder of Tywin has plunged her into full-on paranoia, and oh yeah, her father just died, and you aren't a true Lannister if you don't have a giant writhing heap of

    For all we know, Melisandre doesn't have enough power/lifeforce to survive it again, but doesn't want the others to know that, as it puts her in a more precarious position. Notice that the only person she offers it to in the book is a person she knows will reject her. Not to mention that those things seem to be

    It's a-hard
    It's a-hard
    It's a-hard
    and now there's jism

    I recently caught part of the Disney animated version of Robin Hood on TV, and there's a dance sequence in it where Little John and another character- Friar Tuck, maybe? - start doing the exact same dance that Baloo and King Louie do in The Jungle Book. I knew that Disney reused sequences for its cheaper pre-Little

    I dunno… I'd only be sold if the end credits played over a clip of everyone dancing to a song Psy made specifically for the movie.

    Me too!

    This is easily the most brilliant marketing campaign for a movie I've ever seen. Let North Korea's entertaining and well-funded propaganda division generate free advertising for your movie and make audiences feel like buying a ticket is an easy, low-cost way to give a middle finger to North Korea.

    Yeah, the added porn scene in the extended cut really isn't that funny, kills the pacing, and is so much more surreal than the stuff immediately around it that it sticks out like a sore thumb.

    I'd say there's a good chance there's selection bias- it might be that cynical people like watching cynical sitcoms, and idealistic people like watching shows that try to show that true love really does happen.

    "Among the greatest crimes of the American capitalist hegemony is the continued gentrification of Bed-Stuy, as if Williamsburg wasn't enough already. And seriously, the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea would like to know what the hell happened to Portland? I mean, there are some cool people there, but it's

    Suggested alternate headline: Videogame Companies Want To Fuck You With Peripherals.

    The Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack is the closest I've ever gotten to a Proustian moment- every time it comes on, I'm 8 and beating up a lounge singer in a piano bar while the bartender surreptitiously heads outside to set up the boss fight for the stage. It's great that it's also awesome music.

    Well, it's always in the last place you look. I'll give you a heads-up if I come across it.

    I'd say porkpie hats' stock is up ever since Breaking Bad incorporated one. You know some AMC-watching bros have visited their local haberdashery and requested a "Heisenberg."

    Well, that too, sure. Kind of like how "Stephen Dedalus leaves his house and Leopold Bloom goes to a funeral and later they meet and go to a brothel" gets you about 9/10 of the way through Ulysses.


    Because the guy in the Kevin Costner role only attempted suicide. Today's generation has no sense of commitment.