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    This comment is your annual reminder that Paul Haggis wrote the screenplay for Million Dollar Baby.

    Agreed. Amazing film, and brutal about the realities of war in a way that movies with exciting battle scenes can't be. When Jones asks to look at his son's remains- holy shit, man.

    Given all the David Foster Wallace you've read, I'm surprised you haven't read Proust. Not that the two are very similar, but if you like one, you'll find things to like about the other.

    I always thought the main joke of the All-England Summarize Proust Competition wasn't just that no one won- after all, the competition is based on who gets the furthest through the book, not who finishes- but the fact that the guy who clearly knows the novel very well (and whose comments seem the most grounded in a

    Eh, the continued existence of a British royal family almost certainly gooses the country's tourism dollars. Would anyone give a shit about Buckingham Palace if those fuzzy-hat guys were guarding a building that used to be important to some silly rich people that nobody can even remember? Having it belong to

    Slate: Wait, Salon and we are two distinct entities?

    So what I'm hearing is that there are jobs available for about 8 normal people who want to cover weekly TV.

    My guess for supporting cast: Aziz Ansari, Stephen Merchant, Oscar Nunez, and Jessica Williams, with a possible cameo by Eddie Murphy doing his voice from the train scene in Trading Places.

    The genre has really fallen off since Wim Wenders stopped making movies I watch.

    What, like that Get Get Get Get Get Over It song? That wasn't exactly high art. Oh No and Of the Blue Colour of the Sky are both better albums than anything from the pre-quirky-video era.

    He's not the only one- after Cuaron got the final segment of that seemingly unbroken 12-minute shot at the end of Children of Men, the AD had to wrestle him to the ground and get the gun away before he could raise it to his mouth.

    Cold open has some great stuff, too: "A lot of people think magic camp is just for kids. And that's why so many other people in my class were kids- self-fulfilling prophecy- it's, um, really for anybody with a dream, and a belief in magic, and a little extra time after school."

    "Every day for eight years, I have brought pepper spray into this office to protect myself and my fellow employees. And every day, for eight years, people have laughed at me. Well, who's laughing now?" *continues blinking away tears*

    I have it imprinted somewhere in my brain that Jan doesn't go completely crazy until the second-to-last scene of Season 3, so I'm always a bit shocked when I realize what heavy shit she was going through in moments like that one.

    Wonderful comment, but I tried to imagine someone saying "melange" in a German accent and now blood is leaking out my ears.

    I thought the movie was full of enough awesome Ridley Scott touches to justify at least a nomination, in particular the shot of the gladiators running toward a point of light that gradually grows into the stadium (followed by like a third of them getting killed as they run out the door).

    If they make enough sequels to this, eventually we'll get a Schindler's List-style ending where the hundreds of low-income students who were able to go to college thanks to Lucas run toward the camera and beat the filmmakers to death.

    Why do we worry ourselves with these Baratheons and Lannisters scrabbling over their little throne in the southlands? I say we have the leader we need right here! Plus, her/his screenname is based on an awesome Karen Russell book!

    Comment I was responding to originally said Westeros. Damn you, Edit Function!

    "Hey, I don't know what a rape looks like because I've never had anything to do with one, even when it comes to observing fictional depictions! Call me naive, but doesn't that make me the most anti-rape person here?"