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    Essos, actually, based on the direction she was last heading…

    Yeah, I felt like this review leaned way too hard on Aristotle. The show's not good unless we can trace some kind of unity between all its parts? And the thematic through-line about children and parents doesn't count (even when it's introduced out of nowhere in, say, Jon Snow's interactions with Stannis?)? Oh, it must

    Not to mention the Hound's cunt punt.

    I was hoping that the Hound would get wounded bad enough that Arya would leave him behind, and that Brienne would basically get the wounds she gets from Biter in AFFC, and be found by the Brotherhood and taken to Lady Stoneheart in an after-credits sequence.

    I would guess that number 7 would be Jon Connington succumbing to greyscale.

    "Rhaegar Targaryen is nominated for getting his enemy's sister pregnant, then tricking his enemy into raising the little

    The most heartbreaking scene in Book 7 will involve Benjen trying to bond with his surviving nieces and nephews by giving them Live CDs. "They're still cool, right?" he will ask, looking directly into their confused faces.

    Hawkeye's various actions in The Ultimates 2 more than justify his inclusion in the Avengers, IMO. Have him killing people while tied to a chair by ripping out his own fingernails and using them as projectiles, and people will understand why he's there.

    He looks like Calvin's dad with a moustache. Or Uncle Max with a haircut.

    Unfortunately there was no motorcycle parking spaces near the building, so they had to leave.

    "Crashing a bus that is also a limousine on a New Jersey freeway" would almost be a cause of death worthy of Morgan's reputation. But I hope he pulls through here.

    Sounds like she's about to have a pretty bad day.

    And I'm REALLY disappointed we never met Jeff.

    Tweedly deedly dee
    Tweedly deedly dee

    If you don't like comments that use a "do it yourself!" line of argumentation, why don't you create your OWN internet comments?

    Um… Mass Effect has no rewards whatsoever for you sticking to one alignment. None of the equipment is Paragon/Renegade only, no powers are only available to only one alignment, and your entire crew will continue to trust you and follow your orders no matter what choices you make. Even the persuasion conversation

    At the same time, Peggy's pitch is just as relevant to our present day- being starved for shared experiences, isolated by technology into our own little boxes, and valuing the fissures that let us break through. Why am I discussing Mad Men on the internet with strangers at close to midnight? Because so far as I know,

    This episode is Elizabeth Moss's Emmy reel, and if she does not win I will burn down the Emmys. No, not the building where the Emmys are taking place next year - I will burn down the very concept of an Emmy.

    As much as she rejected the alpha male type, she still took a good long look when he was walking out of the kitchen with no shirt on. Not that that's a crime or anything.

    She's got them smokes like Betty!
    She's got them smokes like Betty!
    She's got them smo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-okes like Betty!