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    Yeah, I was about to say, I'm pretty sure most of Beethoven's best stuff came out after he went deaf.

    And nothing of value was lost.

    I'd never really thought about it, but there is probably a decent-sized group of people who went to Godzilla, heard Wantanabe say the Japanese version of the name, and made a note to remember that moment for the ol' spank bank. Then he has that speech about "the arrogance of man" and they quietly reflected that they

    I think a little of that is Rainn Wilson giving Krasinski a hard time- the way he arranges his features into a perfect Jim-face is something I would expect a professional actor to be able to do, but not Dwight. Then again, the surprise is why it works so well.

    Yes, he yells "NOOOOOOOOOO-" and is cut off by the music on the opening credits as an extra insult.

    He's just trying to make everyone see how he looks like Humpty Hump!

    Great song. It was initially my favorite off Illinois, but that keeps changing (these days I think it's "Jacksonville"). But I'll always have a special place in my heart for "Casimir Pulaski Day," if only because it's that rare sort of song that works as a profession and interrogation of religious faith. There's no

    "The previous decade was a showcase for the kind of music that got your blood pumping"

    Okay, so maybe the sentence would read "12 of the 28 member nations of the European Union, including Britain, France, and Germany, have censured…" but there's still no way most voters make it to the end of that sentence.

    Man, you must've been fun to sit through Jaws with. "Fucking bullshit, man, we don't even get a good look at the shark until halfway through!"

    I was surprised by the number of people coming out of my Godzilla screening that were saying it was terrible, cheesy, etc. I couldn't even tell what they didn't like about it- they were just saying "that was so awful" like it should've been clear or something. Considering how much I enjoyed the film (even if some of

    Awesome, thanks! Looks like I picked the right week to finish grad school!

    If McCann is truly floundering with their Buick account, as Roger seems to think, then bringing in an award-winning copywriter would be a way to buy a few months' time (and maybe get good enough creative to keep the account).

    "You don't even want to be with a woman."
    *looks at Christina Hendricks*
    "I can give it a shot!"

    She said "dead to the world," referring to how soundly he slept.

    I think that the show, by focusing on the people immediately around the VP (and therefore by definition focusing on individuals who are obsessed with what any group of Americans is saying about the VP right this moment), is trying to show how the magnifying glass of politics tends to distort reality for the people

    There was a lot of comedy about Americans not being able to recognize when Brits are being sarcastic/condescending. I can't imagine where Ianucci got the idea for that storyline.

    I'm sure this comes up all the time from people who have just started watching Veep, but is there any place on the internet currently legally streaming The Thick of It? I own In the Loop on DVD, so no need to let me know about it.

    The series of presentations, each one trying to sell its company as innovative, each one using the exact same language, was great. Small detail that I may be projecting: each person giving the presentation was a Southeast Asian minority with slightly Western facial features, frat hair, and a button-up.

    I'm pretty sure the girl was actually pursuing Dinesh. She knows everything about their company (and later mentions that she and Dinesh have "compatible Twitter followers" or something like that), gets Gilfoyle to come over and write some code for her, and then calls Dinesh over and asks him to "help [her] out" with