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    The soundtrack was really the key to the drug scene, I think. All the little clockwork sounds and cheerful tones- it oddly reminded me of the Oompah-Loompah song from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

    I'm not going to look at the text too closely, I've still got one scene to go- just wanted to mention that I finished watching the scene where Verger feeds his face to the dogs, clicked over here for the ad break, and saw "Bryan Fuller on adventures with Standards and Practices," and it was the second-hardest I've

    Yeah, but Spivak will be translating, so why bother?

    In my experience, it all depends on the teacher's skill. If the teacher is just telling you to drop certain words in certain places, it's pretty easy to fake a good understanding without learning the first thing about grammar. On the other hand, if the teacher consistently makes you explain why you're putting down the

    "N6" is industry speak for "leNs flares (6 of them)."

    Claim: Franzen's detractors, by presupposing his literary authority in the hundreds of extant thinkpieces that attack him for misusing it, have actually done more to bolster his reputation than his most ardent supporters.

    He's already not. Rules are only one Jonathan from NYC is allowed at a time. Why do you think Ames went into television?

    Ooh, are we playing "Criticize X by citing some more pressing cause that should have been addressed instead?" I LOVE that game! My turn:

    Just popping in to say that the show's decision to change "Asha" to "Yara" makes no sense, for the following reasons.

    I always thought "Under My Thumb" was at least a little ironic, that the song's effect was supposed to come from hearing Jagger singing happily about what listeners were supposed to understand was a heavily fucked-up attitude towards women.

    Good news! Attack & Release is currently the top-selling album in the Amazon MP3 subcategory "Hardcore & Punk!"

    BLASPHEMY! He said it again! Did you hear him?

    I like Sturgill Simpson, but let's be honest: an album called Metamodern Sounds In Country Music sounds like something shit out by a Julliard senior who has spent the last semester slowly realizing that his true passion in life is accounting. I hate it when people pass on an album because of the title, but I could

    One thing I noticed on my single listen-through of this album when it was streaming on iTunes: "Fever" works much better on the album than it does as a standalone single. I just had it on in the background, and when "Fever" came on I started wondering, "whoa, what is this song? It's catchy as hell," and then the

    If a song is rhyming "commercial" with "commercial," feel free to call it terrible, but don't stop listening to the album because it's an awesome album.

    If you don't know which version of The Black Keys you like better:

    The best albums from the unpolished, garage-rock/blues releases are The Big Come Up, Thickfreakness, and Rubber Factory, in no particular order. However, if you liked Brothers, you might want to start with one of their more polished later albums with Danger Mouse. El Camino is probably the most fully-realized,

    I figure it'll be Wayne Brady doing his Chappelle's Show persona.

    I'm really happy that it's multicam. A trailer isn't usually a great way to show off multicam sitcoms, because it's a subgenre that requires the writers to build scenes, but I thought that Pedrad was definitely the standout here. Cautiously optimistic.

    So if the problem with the original Broadchurch is that not enough people know it exists, why not just license the original to play on Fox?