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    "I want a role only if it's more fully rounded and expanded."

    How Do You Boobs?

    The four most depressing words in the English language: "Jerry Bruckheimer’s new book."

    I think it's also to give the Boltons a better excuse for trusting Theon than "eh, he's been in our dungeons long enough to have been brainwashed, I'm sure he'll be obedient."

    I was thinking that Gregory's female assistant (forget her name) comes to them after a disastrous Techcrunch performance and says something like, "Mr. Gregory wanted me to inform you that he will not be giving you any more funding beyond what you already had, and is currently willing to hear offers from other

    Give him a break, he's writing like 4000 words every Sunday.

    I would think Season 5 would be the "gas leak season," since it actually had a (deliberate) carbon-monoxide leak.

    "We need to reproduce! If there was a way to do it without having sex then I would do it that way, but there's not!"

    His nipple was the valve. I don't see what's so complicated about this.

    Both of those really took the horror movie subtext of most political ads and turned it into the text.

    The funniest bit for me was when all the gun protestors were in front of the hotel waving signs, and none of the characters even questioned why they were there or wondered if something had gotten out of the campaign- they don't even find out about the gun comments being leaked until after the attack. It's just another

    Of course, for Ramsay, the fighting after the sex thing was probably also a bit of a sex thing. A sex-type-thing, at least.

    Better than Wyman Manderley's- that guy says "take that, take that" on the first verse and then just bobs his head in the video for the rest of the song.

    He's just been sitting there drumming his fingers against his arm for the last season-and-a-half, waiting for someone to stumble in and gaze at the throne, thinking of all it represents, so he can sidle up to them and make a clever remark like "doesn't look like it has much lumbar support, does it?"

    Meryn Trant was a real pissant
    Who was very rarely able to kill anyone armed with more than a wooden sword.

    Just wait until he shows up in every episode for the next three years to mention the exact same things he mentioned in the previous episode.

    "I must say, except for the parts where I'm allowed to get Lord Tywin his quill and papers, serving on the small council is not nearly as fun as I had hoped it would be! It's all so salacious and untoward! Oh dear!"

    I'd be afraid of the ravens eating it on the way, so probably a courier.

    Tywin is going to regret* letting Oberyn on the Small Council, where he can hear, at length and in detail, the military forces and motives of the Lannisters' assorted enemies.

    Tyrion makes Warwick Davis look like Verne Troyer.