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    Oh man, I forgot all about that. That's how good the episode was- I was forgetting lines like "You just brought piss to a shit fight."

    When your investor is starting to write you off as a loss, I imagine you get less face time with him. I'm guessing the tech competition doesn't go so well.


    I haven't seen the episode, but I assume it's Danger Mouse- he's been the Black Keys' producer and unofficial third member for the last couple albums.

    Hey! NBC got around to watching movies from about 10 years ago last year. It's how they came up with About a Boy!

    Earth was destroyed by a meteor exactly one year after the finale. It's canon.

    The Mother and Ginsberg doing a will they/won't they sitcom? Dammit, I hate that I actually really want to see that. NBC Thursdays: just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in (for exactly one show).

    Begging your pardon, madam. Those monkey death bikes make it difficult to tell such things from a distance with any degree of accuracy. Also, as a man on the internet, I thought "bitches be shoppin" might be a bridge too far.

    "Do you have any personal goals for your therapy, Verger?"
    "Does getting laid count?"
    "No! It doesn't!"

    There's no "how dare you" going on here. You're not being looked down on or castigated. We're all fine with you being a few hours behind. But if you are a few hours behind, and you're worried about spoilers, maybe think about staying away from websites that are largely dedicated to discussing what happened in the most

    Are you referring to the transposed words or mixed metaphor?

    It's interesting how the show is using the Verger patriarch's apparent ignorance of lesbianism (or at least modern medical technology) in the plot. Verger Sr. thought he was writing Margot out of his will because "she likes ladies, so she can't/won't get pregnant." What he likely thought was a line in his will that

    And his reaction was great- he tasted his blood, gave an expression that seemed to say "not bad," and then said to Will "I'm going to feed you to my pigs" in the same tone of voice that you might expect him to say "looks like it's going to rain tomorrow."

    So THAT'S why the head of a gigantic, well-funded special interest group seemed so obtuse in congressional committees- they took his gun away, thus robbing him of his intellectual powers!

    We will know that Zack Snyder has gained self-awareness when he does that, and then casts Michael Pitt as Harley Quinn.

    Will knew that this assignment would require a little bone-swallowing when he accepted it.

    That whole first scene with Hannibal and Mason is like a horror-movie version of an 80s slobs vs. snobs comedy. Mason is the wacky freewheeling psychopath who lies on the couch without taking his shoes up. Hannibal is the dean who is preventing him from throwing his awesome pigs-and-teartini parties.

    Well, this is Hannibal Lecter we're talking about. It could be both.

    My favorite exchange in this episode was between Hannibal and Mason:

    I'll lay odds at 2:1 that Stewart will do a joke on the first day of Wilmore's show about how they haven't got a full-time Senior Black Correspondent yet, so they're going to talk to their Interim Senior Black Correspondent, and a white guy will come out.