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    What balderdash is this?

    Excuse me sir, but they are called women, and I have it on good authority that they be shoppin'.

    I've got to say that the story structure of the mouthbreathing Star Wars fanbase does pale in comparison to Lucas's use of the Campbell myths. And the production values are worse, but that can likely be chalked up to a disparity in budgets.

    "They're complete dicks to Anakin."

    Yeah, and in Heat, why doesn't Robert Deniro's character just kill Al Pacino's character in the diner? Pacino's cop is the one who's chasing him, so if he kills him in the middle of the diner, he should have no problem pulling off the bank heist, because he's killed the character who's following him! In fact, he

    These seem like odd criticisms. What are two Jedi on a galaxy-critical mission supposed to do, go to war with an entire planet whose economy seems to run on the slave trade?

    Darth Maul has the Boba Fett Advantage of looking pretty awesome and getting enough screentime to hint at an intriguing backstory without having to be in the plot very long. Episode 2 shows what happens when you take a character like Boba Fett and try to make it a larger role.

    Short answer: No.

    She's not officially a Judge, but a cinematic adaptation of the Book of Judith would kick ass. Where else in the Bible do you get an older woman using sex to literally cut off the head of a massive army, and have it portrayed positively? As a Christian and a moviegoer, I demand more sex-beheadings and

    It works quite well in storytelling terms as foreshadowing, though- David's punishment for his affair with Bathsheba is the death of his legacy- the baby he eventually has with Bathsheba, Solomon, ends up tearing his kingdom in two in a war of succession. Any movie of David's life has to end with a Godfather-style

    Really? You thought it was less likely to succeed than the Munsters remake?

    Isn't Gaumont the company that produced most of Alfred HItchcock's British films? Glad to see the company's still got good taste in the type of thrillers it bankrolls.

    It feels like there should even be an interesting working-class narrative there- maybe a movie about a Barton-Fink-esque director who wants to create a movie about the downtrodden working class but finds it difficult to disguise his disgust at the subjects who he wants to venerate in his work.

    They speak English in Beware the Ides of Tarantino, motherfucker?

    Wow, it's not often I see a Gateways to Geekery I completely agree with.

    Several people did that the (so far) only time I've seen them live. Darnielle just laughed and said, "Guys, I'm not playing my most popular song halfway through the show!"

    Chris R. has it right, but I don't think that's a slight against Bright Eyes. Oberst is the perfect type of artist to be into when you're a teenager, up there with Sylvia Plath and Dylan Thomas and Neil Gaiman in his ability to distill the sense of being a teenager: the directionless anger, the certainty that the

    "First Few Desperate Hours" is the best song to put on when you're taking a road trip and you're just pulling onto the highway.

    Wow, what a coincidence- the unicorn that appeared in the last scene of the Sopranos finale said almost exactly the same thing!

    People using the Bechdel Test as a criterion for quality is like watching someone try to spear some meat with a spoon. They know they've got a tool, they know it's got something to do with food, but they just haven't figured out how to use it properly.