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    I think I'm going to offer sarcastic appreciation of movies from now on by saying "It's got that Jonah Hex wit."

    Blame Michael Schur; I'm 90% certain he's the guy who turned Krasinski onto DFW.

    Take a page from varela's book: just claim that the mentions of Bryan Singer's name "don't count" as instances where his name was mentioned, and that in your opinion, each use of the words "Bryan Singer" or "X-Men" only count as assertions that the third Godfather movie was the best.

    Meh, I'll just caulk the wagon and float.


    Actually, they lost five of nine- I already excluded Locke. But yeah, probably not (thought I don't know what Locke would do once he succeeded in his mission- he's still taken the black, no one knows he's an undercover agent, and any attempt to run is likely to result in a manhunt).

    I looked it up, and it appears to be the Chevy Vega. Close, though!

    Yeah, he even gave a look after saying it like he knew he'd gone too far, but he sure as hell wasn't apologizing to this guy.

    At least 50% of my internal "Oh Jesus" when I see comments like this is knowing that I'm going to have to scroll past 46 replies that are all essentially coming up with the same response.

    I'm waiting for this subplot to appear and turn into a Million Dollar Arm plug.

    Oh man, "Dinner Party" is great, especially since the title bucks expectations, it being one of a minority of Frasier episodes that do not have some sort of dinner party in them.

    The point where the camera swings to the side to exclude everything except the woman slowly removing books from the chest with the body inside it (while the main characters chat just offscreen, unaware of what's about to happen) is a great little example of Hitchcockian suspense that you'd normally think the gimmick

    And Stewart's insistence that "you gave my words a meaning they were never supposed to have," when Stewart's words were, basically, "fuck yeah murder is okay."

    Anyone else think Jimmy Stewart's speech at the very end of Rope is a weak cop-out? "Oh sure, I said that superior beings could kill with impunity, but looking at the result of my philosophy, I feel my sentiments inexorably changing to the sort of general liberal humanism that is likely to be shared by the majority of

    Cooper! It's a highlighter, you can make the line go right over the words and they remain perfectly legible!

    Also, Don reading Portnoy's Complaint underlines the similarities to American Pastoral in Roger's storyline.

    "Hello, I am Roger Sterling, and I would like all of your drugs and hippie women. Now you may have thought you just heard me say 'give me a lot of drugs and hippie women,' but what I said was, 'give me all the drugs and hippie women that you have.'"

    Duh! That's why I started a fire with the house!

    The next time Hodor wants a snack and Bran won't give him one, he's going to spend hours trying to make blood appear on his hands.

    Well, they do have Ser Alliser Thorne deciding to send Jon to Craster's with volunteers because he thinks Jon could be a political rival in the near-future. The idea was to kill off Jon and all his followers, and was probably pointless because only 9 people volunteered for the mission, and one of them was just trying