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    On one hand, John Darnielle's been putting out albums at a fairly consistent clip, and I guess he's got the right to do what he wants with his free time. I'm just slightly disappointed that this is it.

    "Chewie winced, rubbing his jaw at the point where it had already begun to swell.

    Recently, one of the descriptors I got simply read "Exciting Movies." The first 4 selections were GI Joe: Retaliation, The Avengers, Turbo, and Skyfall.

    Truly, it is the modern-day Rango.

    When Butler finally goes bald, his transformation into Billy Corgan 2.0 will be complete.

    But "Mummer's Dragon" doesn't necessarily mean "fake Dragon, played by a Mummer." It could mean "Dragon being controlled by a Mummer," and we all know why Varys is so good at disguising himself.

    And about how Stannis has insufficient respect for the finer points of the criminal world, or something like that.

    Stannis kind of has the late-90s John McCain thing going for him in the books, where he's obviously okay with some things that even people in his world would find horrifying, but he doesn't try to bullshit or sugarcoat anything, so he ends up earning the respect of people who have every reason to hate him. Davos is

    So how did the bird get in the human's chest? They had to cut her open and saw through the sternum- no one had already done that.

    I'm impressed he's got enough range of motion to successfully reach orgasm.

    As the gayest show on television, the only thing more horrifying to Hannibal than gruesome murder is the prospect of heterosexual relations. To be fair, the horror is more than justified given the participants.

    The Andy and April stuff was full of great gags, but I think my favorite was Andy keeping To-Do lists on his arms and insisting that it was a great system.

    I fucking hate that Rockets team because I was living in Arizona at the time, and if there was ever a time Phoenix was going to win a championship, it was those two years. And both years, the Rockets stopped us in heartbreaking games.

    In high school, I volunteered in a teen court system for minors who had shoplifted less than $100 in merchandise, were first-time offenders, and had agreed to plead guilty. Me and the other volunteers would work as defending and prosecuting lawyers, presenting the evidence to a jury of fellow students and bringing up

    I'm surprised how good each of these songs sound covered by the other band. I always thought that the best part of "Constructive Summer" was its driving intensity, but Deer Tick's more laid-back approach really works too.

    "Mrs. Fields files precautionary restraining order against Cookie Monster."

    Possibly, though Millar is a Scot and therefore not one of Cap's countrymen. Doesn't stop the line from being a perfect stupid 80s-action-hero comeback.

    I actually like the "superheroes as assholes" thing because it speaks to a tension between the stereotypical comics fan and the stereotypical comics protagonist that could stand to be explored more. The idea that the downtrodden, bullied comic book geek is at heart self-hating and wants nothing more than to be like

    The real lesson here: never use Google+

    Any time you hear "I was called a f*g because I ________," substitute whatever's in the blank with "was in seventh grade and happened to go near a kid who was probably having issues."