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    Oh man, there HAS to be some unauthorized Amelia Bedelia adventure where she keeps literalizing all the drug slang.

    The first time I tried the final boss fight in this game, I didn't realize the only way to damage the monster's first form was with magic powder. I don't know why, but I just didn't think of that, even after trying every weapon. Eventually, I decided to see what would happen if I hit it 100 times with my sword. When

    Based on nothing but the promotional materials, it looks like Billy Bob Thornton's character got ported in from a TV adaptation of No Country For Old Men no one could figure out how to justify.

    Yeah, it's only next day on Hulu+. A week and a day for regular users.

    Actually, I think Bob is saying that since Marshmallow is identifying as female, the proper adjective to describe her as attractive would be "beautiful" rather than "handsome." Which is consistent with Bob's characterization, as I doubt he's ever read much Victorian literature.

    Remember, though, that this marriage was a strategic alliance between the two richest, most powerful families in Westeros (with the possible exception of the Martells, who we don't know much about yet). If you've got the money and the manpower of the Tyrells, and the royal family needs you on its side to keep the rest

    Only because they know Stannis would kill every one of them as a matter of principle. If they hadn't recently been fighting a civil war against him, they would totally go back up the line to Stannis.

    I really want Hannibal fans to send hundreds of letters to NBC executives that read "TASERED PROSTATE NONCONSENSUAL EJACULATION OR GTFO," mostly because I'm pretty sure it would be many NBC executives' first time experiencing the fight-or-flight instinct.

    I haven't seen this episode yet (will catch it in 8 days on Hulu), but I just wanted to say that reading the line “He’s surrounded by men who play with toy ponies; he’s in the least amount of danger possible!” made me laugh multiple times in five minutes. I'd think about the line again, and I'd audibly break into

    It's not the Millennial generation's fault that the beautiful chaos of their lives can only be captured by at least 15 GIFs that show famous pop culture quotes being performed.

    If someone averages more than two facebook posts a day, there is a 95% chance they are this type of person.

    Hmmm… good point, getting rid of the term would solve all those problems.

    Did Chilton just tell us to eat his shit?

    "We know that we had kind of a wide berth to do what we needed to do
    narratively, because post-traumatic stress disorder effects people in
    such different ways."

    The first episode of next season should involve the whole cast giving up meat the same way the whole family in Arrested Development gave up carbs for most of one episode. Naturally, the episode will end with everyone gorging on extra-rare steak.

    Chilton was already laboring under a guilty conscience, though, and it's already been established that when he finds himself in a tight spot, his instinct is to try and hide it rather than let the law take its course. Given that he was not thinking straight when he woke up, it makes sense to me that instinct and

    I dunno, there's enough unresolved issues surrounding Abigail's disappearance (chief among them that no one has found a body yet) that it's hardly enough to release him. Chilton turned Gideon into a serial killer by suggesting to him that he was the Chesapeake Ripper, and Gideon committed a series of murders that

    Should have clarified- I mean in this episode. There have been plenty of Silence refs this season.

    While I think this grade should be higher, I'm not particularly mad at it- I think this grade is a recognition that the scale of excellence for this show has changed, sort of like how halfway through Season 3 of Breaking Bad the Bs started piling up once the reviewers realized the show could reach dizzying heights

    Actually, to be completely true to the spirit of the original, they must first cast a foreign star who has put in enough overseas or stuntman work to lay the groundwork for a U.S. release (Iko Uwais, Tiger Chen), then re-cast the role with someone who knows no actual kung fu and is also a less appealing screen