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    Ah-ha! Anti-Subwaytism!

    I can understand someone being racist way easier than I can understand them hating The Roots.

    Yes, no one ever thought that Tory writers such as Jonathan Swift, Samuel Johnson, Kingsley Amis, or Evelyn Waugh were ever very funny.

    To be fair, he said "breed and drive cars." And take it from someone who should know, it is damn difficult to get cars to have sex with each other.

    I love it when a director who's taken 25 years to put out 4 movies decides to do a TV show. I'm guessing we'll get 3 episodes before veteran TV writers are brought on and add a dog, and adorable kid, and a will-they-won't-they.

    See, but I think "don't blame Dany for it" would be a very stupid thing to do. I don't doubt that Doran would understand that Quentyn's death wasn't Dany's fault, but he has pinned a fair amount of hope on an alliance with her, and she has little reason to ally with him at the moment. Holding her responsible for

    Archer trivia: He used to call out Steve McQueen's name in his sleep, and if he were watching Schoolhouse Rock videos in Hell, the experience would be indistinguishable from Heaven.

    I've started to notice jokes that seem like they were made to be turned into GIFs. That was definitely one of them.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure the Tyrells are supposed to be the French.

    To be fair, the entire sitcom glossed over The Mother in favor of Robin, which was kind of the point.

    The range of that guy's emotions was a minor highlight of the episode. From befuddlement to resistance to "well, I'll get a lot of money out of this, at least," to becoming oddly turned on by the whole process, to being slightly disappointed when it became clear that Oberyn had lost all interest in stabbing people that

    "we’ve got sexy actors, let’s take advantage of them."

    Also when Hannibal looks at him, and he is trying so hard to blend into the background, and Hannibal winks at him. You know he had to excuse himself to change his shorts after that.

    Unless this show drastically changes the coda for Silence of the Lambs, he does.

    It might smack of technicality, but a marriage contract DID exist between Dorne and the Targaryens. And when Quentyn was in Dany's city, he was there under her protection.

    Yeah, and Doran Martell didn't cut off Myrcella's ear, Darkstar did! So the Lannisters should be plenty fine with that. Doran wasn't anywhere near her when it happened!

    Also, the point everybody seems to forget is that Robb is a few steps away from laying siege to Casterly Rock if he can just get past the Twins. If Frey had gone along with Robb, he'd still probably be on the winning team, he just figured his chances were better with Tywin (and was probably right). But Robb is sure

    Soundtrack: "100 Black Coffins," by Rick Ross.

    Yeah, but he seems to be at least partly doing it for Arya. When he gets caught outside the tavern, he's just trying to play it cool, but then he realizes the people inside are assholes, and then he realizes they're his brother's assholes, and then he realizes that they think he would consent to working for his

    You can tell Arya is growing on him because he's willing to kill five people even when he's hungry :)