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    A-. The episode approaches the idea of solving personal problems through role-playing games in a more complex (and slightly more realistic) manner than the previous D&D episode. Also, I want Jonathan Banks and Danny Pudi to star in a buddy cop movie together.

    Because he was the largest Friend, obviously.

    Hopefully this season of Brooklyn Ninety-Nine can end with Boyle safely in jail. They could make a whole arc out of it: over the second season, Boyle would get a "Very Special" subplot each episode where he slowly learns how to stop his creepy behavior, and gets to apologize to every woman he developed romantic

    And the first joke is "the first 16 minutes of this episode are a straight adaptation of Great Expectations."

    Ratings definitely have a wider variation the closer they are to the present. Right now the best episode of How I Met Your Mother is "How Your Mother Met Me," which is probably the best this season, but works better as mythology-building than an episode of television in its own right. It would make sense that the

    Are they actually filming in the above photos? Would the director allow people to take photos while he's trying to film a scene? I'd guess this is between scenes, and neither Segal nor Eisenberg are in character.

    Secrets & Lies is definitely that good- and, despite the title and subject matter, probably one of Leigh's more optimistic films.

    Also, based on some of the things Charlie and Donald Kaufman say about her in Adaptation, I'm guessing the real Charlie Kaufman has a huge crush on her. Not that I can blame him.

    I thought radio stations all played an edited version of that song anyway.

    "This killer wrote you a poem. Are you going to let his love go to waste?"

    Probably they figured vomiting up an ear was sufficient evidence.

    Hannibal's a good read, too, if you accept that it takes place in the comic book version of the universe from the first two.

    And now, the story of a brilliant lawyer who got held over a barrel when purchasing a Lazer Tag franchise, and the drug dealers he had no choice but to try selling it to.

    Yes, I think that's exactly what that was. Classic femme-fatale vamping.

    I nominate "Swiggity-Swag The Nightmare Stag" as the official AV Club designation for Hannibal when he's got the Wendigo head on.

    After living in an Honors dorm filled with STEM majors, I quickly learned that being good at calculating and comparing a wide variety of sums in your head is as important a skill in Scrabble as vocabulary.

    Yeah, that wouldn't be appropriate for a Vince Gilligan cameo.

    I was hoping to see some mention of U-571, a submarine movie with a terrible name. If I remember it correctly, an evil German mastermind kills LeBlanc's character and then surrenders, and everyone seems okay with that.

    It definitely had something to do with the skill level of the actors around the lead actor, though. Frasier had a cast of rock-solid veterans, most of whom had had at least one unrelated guest spot on Cheers. I believe the third-billed actor in Joey was a teenager.

    John Oliver?