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    Solution: Bieber takes over the Joffrey role, and Peter Dinklage no longer needs to pull his punches.

    I love, love, love that Bieber's lawyer only speaks up or tries to interfere when he's realizing that Bieber might be calling out Usher for discovering him.

    Looks like turning the volume up or down is going to be a right fucking chore.

    Miggs would definitely consider her a "Racial Scent Girl."

    Oh, so because it's easy for people who aren't paying enough attention to get the wrong idea, Dunham is responsible for their misunderstanding of the difference between real life and what someone is saying on a screen?

    My high school girlfriend's answering machine was her singing that part of "Spiderwebs." At the time I was barely civilized enough to be part of human society, so having a girlfriend was way out of my comfort zone, and I was constantly nervous around her. To this day, hearing that song makes me feel instantly calm

    …I can't tell if this is a joke or not.

    On the other hand, the Sin City aesthetic fits Sin City much better than it did The Spirit.

    They all know she's studying for law school, and just want to be supportive. What, you thought they went there because they were turned on by her dancing? She's young enough to be their daughter, fer chrissakes.

    The issue is somewhat blurred, I think, because the Indiana Jones movies were referencing 1930s radio serials and pulp paperbacks that did frequently contain orientalist overtones, and Spielberg & Lucas were more interested in recreating the same feel than subverting or commenting on it. As the literature that

    Sometimes I wonder whether Community is going old-school and financing itself largely through merchandise sales, because they have made a lot of things I would be willing to buy.

    Desperation? He seemed giddy with excitement. Abed is definitely okay with who he is, but I imagine it was fun to see how the other half lives for awhile.

    Thank you, now I'm hearing those in Mr. T's voice.

    Let's not be hasty. Have we seen Boyle's butt shape yet?

    I think in his Parks-and-Rec walkthrough Schur said he always tries to put a romantic subplot into his sitcoms because it's the most universally-interesting thing you can have- you might think government is evil or police investigations are uninteresting or cringe comedy set in a white-collar workplace is too

    "She’s not hurt, because she’s secretly in love with Boyle, but because
    of the bond they’ve formed since Boyle stopped being so all-consumingly
    in love with her. They are such naturally different characters, both
    bucking gender stereotypes without falling into camp due to their
    respective development, that their

    "Glass tower?" Is that different from the "Ivory Tower?" I'm not being sarcastic, I'm curious if it's a phrase I haven't heard yet, and if so how it differs from the one I've heard.

    The most financially successful American poet was probably Wallace Stevens, who had the strategy of keeping his executive position at an insurance firm throughout his poetic career, turning down teaching jobs at Harvard and Yale so he could continue to work in insurance.

    I thought Heart Shaped Box was at least scarier than Horns, but I agree that Horns was the better book. I really need to get around to NOS4A2 one of these days.

    Well all the working-class authors drank themselves to death! Whaddaya gonna do?