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    Well, if a critic should be worried about anything, it's sensitivity to the artist's creative process.

    It's pronounced COVE-in! I don't want my movie to rhyme with "oven!"

    Only if "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" is the theme, now and forever.

    Curtis is the hotel ghost that Marshall really wants to find.

    Yeah, now I'm really hoping they decided to add in the post-apocalyptic element Segel wanted in the finale.

    1. But he's also stoned. Would his friends allow him to take a drug that adversely affects memory if he had a debilitating mental condition?

    I dunno, Miyazaki used some computer assistance in Spirited Away, and I'd still consider that film pretty damn noteworthy.

    I predict that in 5-10 years we'll have retrospectives on Oblivion and After Earth and pronounce them to be well-shot, decently-acted sci-fi films that have the advantage of not being sequels or remakes in a decade where sci-fi was defined by its endless sequels and remakes.

    Hey, Beck turned out alright. If believing crazy shit never got in the way of anyone's desire to be an asshole, it doesn't need to get in their way of being a cool guy who can write good songs either.

    The really weird thing is that the same cartoonist did Wizard of Id, which was set in the Middle Ages, when the Church was definitely a big thing (though possibly not in Id, what with its eponymous practitioner of the Dark Arts), and he always kept that one completely Scripture-free.

    My point is that the "screaming queen" stereotype is a starting point for him, but he takes it so far that a small hint of inflection is the only remaining resemblance between the stereotype and his character. The "screaming queen" stereotype is a caricature of how gay people act, but Eichner's persona is more like

    Craig's delivery re-teaches us the lessons of early Jim Carrey and Robin Williams: going 110% quickly gets schticky and annoying, but going 220% is hilarious. More-is-more comedy is very difficult, and it's a testament to Billy Eichner's dedication to the bit that I laughed at each of his lines. It's like he's taken

    Yeah, it's not how it says it, but what it says that makes it bad.

    It's fun to see people get angry about Forrest Gump, because criticisms of that movie are the closest a liberal movie critic will ever get to uttering the phrase "gives aid and comfort to the enemy" unironically.

    What a terrible movie!
    —-Jesus Christ
    ———Alien Jesus

    Amusingly enough, the crowd in Life of Brian is skeptical that Graham Chapman is really a prophet for the exact opposite reason.

    Makes sense. The Gospel of Matthew is about 40% quotations describing the Messiah from the Old Testament- the author is clearly going "See? See right here? Same thing!" If Gospels were being written today in the same social climate, a few of them would probably take the form of 4-hour YouTube documentaries with really

    Well, if God didn't give humans the chance to disobey Him, then the story would be a pretty terrible myth for explaining how our intelligence and free will can still lead to bad choices. In fact, it wouldn't manage to communicate that idea at all.

    Also, all of mankind, whose sins made Jesus's sacrifice necessary.

    Mission Control, we've got an asshole coming in at a little past 10 o'clock.