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    Actually, the proper past-tense form of the verb for being strangled by the neck until you die is "hanged."

    I dunno, I could easily see Eisenberg play the kind of Lex Luthor that could watch someone slowly, painfully die with the sort of half-bored interest one would normally give to a fly stuck between two panes of glass. This Luthor couldn't "drop you to the floor with a glance," but he would be intimidating in his own

    That's the joke (I hope).

    I call them sylls.


    And the coach of that Panthers team? Is now coaching the Broncos. I don't know why he didn't sign He Hate Me.

    The Broncos and Seahawks were in the same division for a long time before the re-organization of the league around the the turn of the century, and while the Seahawks (an expansion team in 1977) were always the odd ones out in the AFC West (a division that the Broncos, Chiefs, Raiders, and Chargers have all shared

    To be fair, I would recommend Burden of Dreams even to people who had not watched Fitzcarraldo.

    "TV is so addicting," wrote the man who had been on the internet for 15 hours and counting.

    Asinus had watched some clips and really, really laughed. He eventually got it from Netflix and couldn't finish it— he found the narration awful, unnecessary, and damaging* to the entire joke of the movie. Asinus decided that he would love a version without narration trying to explain the movie.

    *Iron Man vomits*

    I dunno- is it creepy that the Mother's second chance at that sort of happiness is predicated on Ted being stuck in a creepy co-dependent friendship with his ex-girlfriend for 8 years?

    Up All Night always did feel like a writer who was more comfortable writing characters in their 20s being forced to write characters in their 30s.

    Struck out with her once and then hooked up later in a completely unrelated incident, which I find even funnier.

    I don't get why they didn't try clicking on "Options."

    I'm honestly not sure if you're referring to her Movie 43 segment or that she made a short film called "AIDS: We Did It!"

    Adam Scott might've made a pretty good Scott Pilgrim if they'd just filmed it earlier…

    I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned setting the sequel in grad school and naming it Pitch Perfect 2: Aca-demia

    Hopefully he goes back to the comical everyman persona he uses in Richie's films.

    I imagine Sir Gawain would be the character who gets his own spin-off first (The Green Knight, of course) and then shows up in everyone else's adventures for brief bits of time.