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    Macklemore's haircut definitely fills me with more terror and pity than his music ever could manage.

    With that synth sample, that beat, and that chorus, he can end the lines with whatever the fuck he wants and it's still a classic. I don't personally think I understand what makes a rapper have good "flow," but I always found the meter Lamar maintains in this song to be pretty amazing as well.

    The Elephant Man meets the Buffalo Gal.

    Wait. You were talking about guys' assholes? Ewww.

    No wonder he was driven to a life of crime.

    It's like your comment impregnated his brain.

    I'd say the one definite educational benefit the show provided was how common child molestation is in society. They probably should have found some way to emphasize that most such cases don't involve a complete stranger, but just watching 30+ people go to a single house within 3 days in order to have sex with a

    I thought that revelation was in the first Star Wars: "Witness the power of this FULLY OPERATIONAL Death Star!" or something like that. The second one might be able to blow up a small nearby moon, but it's not even a complete sphere yet. There's definitely still work to be done.

    I am surprised, angry, and a little offended that it took so long for that dance scene to come up in this comment section. That may have caused more happiness than all the rest of Kevin Smith's film stock combined.

    What more do we want? Let's start with "a mind worth listening to." And then let's move on to "a beat worth listening to." And then "lyrics worth listening to." Good intentions can add something to a song, but they're a terrible foundation for one.

    Hey, I read that issue of Virginia Quarterly Review too!

    To be fair, there's a hard upper-bound limit to how good a season of television can taste, and it's getting worse- VHS tape was much tastier than sticking your mouth over the exhaust vent of your streaming device.

    More important than Willie Nelson's stance on pot (or any other politics) is the fact that he's a great country songwriter.

    I buy Humble Bundles and use the Steam Keys to download them. Then, in idle minutes, I will pull up my Steam Library, look at the list of unplayed games on the left hand side, and take comfort in the knowledge that I've donated to charity several times in $2.50 increments.

    I really liked this episode, particularly all the ways that people described how gross chard tastes. "It's like a tree crapped in my mouth!"

    As a proud iPod Classic owner (I have too many songs to make any other iPod practical), I am glad to discover that Ron Swanson approves of my rectangle.

    Who knows what darkness lies at the very core of Leslie Knope's soul…

    The daughter in those dresses was definitely a blatant attempt to lure viewers with morally-questionable eye candy, until we are locked in the windowless van that is the average viewing of The Michael J. Fox Show, and must rub the lotion of Imitation Modern Family on our skin every Thursday at 8.

    "The commitment to it left the emotional beats hanging"

    Because one major point Community returns to is how the surrogate-family aspect of sitcoms requires all of the participants to be deeply broken in a fundamental way, and how the surrogate sitcom family is more likely to exacerbate those flaws than fix them (which in itself is a pretty cool metacommentary on sitcoms,