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    The huge prize was a callback to the previous episodes that's pretty common in recurring sitcom plots- the character saying "at least X won't happen again!" followed by X immediately happening. I feel like it would be a dereliction of duty for Community not to do it.

    And then Job got a job, and was so good at getting jobs that Jesus decided to name jobs after Job in his honor, and also "because all jobs are a great font of endless and meaningless suffering."

    "they managed to avoid this very well in the Gina storyline, which was
    about her needing human contact and connection just like everyone else
    even if she's completely fucking weird, but is never outright stated in
    the plot."

    I wouldn't say that Boyle's calling is the gym so much as middle management is his calling. Give him a bunch of unimportant tasks to do and just enough authority to let it go to his head, and he's right at home.

    ChancellorPuddinghead, how many children have to jump off of buildings holding guns, firing them downwards as fast as possible in an attempt to keep themselves afloat, before your bloodlust will be sated? What does the body count need to be? One? Some kid who didn't have the guts to jump off a building but instead

    They hired a clairvoyant who told them that, in the future, a powerful movie executive would not look kindly on them using "son of a g*n."

    Eh, fair enough, but I don't know that it's always the most satisfying solution to have the old gods bend before the necessities of modern sensibilities. One of the most thrilling parts of reading the Iliad is when you realize that Athena, the spoiled brat who is willing to destroy an entire civilization and salt the

    An omnipotent being would, by definition, have the power to change reason and meaning itself until the concept of justice matched its actions. People think omnipotence is like playing The Sims with all the cheat codes on, but they're underselling it way more than they know.

    Also, all the talk about "delusions" and "brainwashing" is itself the result of a neo-Edenic bias present in much post-Enlightenment thinking, where the speaker assumes that a brain empty of all ideology is somehow "pure," with religious/cultural structures as contaminating agents gradually corrupting a mind that

    Yeah, Davis was in advertising when he came up with idea for Garfield, and the original pitch was basically "Plenty of comic strips revolve around dogs, and dog-lovers seem to buy a lot of Snoopy and Marmaduke merchandise, but there's no cat in newspaper comics. If you publish my cartoon about a cat, lots of

    Flowers are the sex appendages of plants.

    Yeah, spanking is one of those punishments where the anticipation is actually the worst thing about it. I got spanked a few times as a kid, and I don't really remember it being very traumatic. But I sure as hell remember waiting to be spanked.

    I've been a Denver fan since long before I had any say in the matter, but I really hope that we get Denver vs. Seattle for the Legal Weed Bowl. If you want to win widespread red-state support for legalization, just get everyone to believe that having legal weed will help their team's Super Bowl chances.

    I'd say Hill deserved to be nominated for Superbad, which absolutely wouldn't work without him at the center, and is the funniest Apatow-produced movie largely due to him barrelling through scenes with Michael Cera orbiting him like a timid moon, but I understand that would never happen because the Academy doesn't

    The only thing Russell "did" to George Clooney was give Clooney the satisfaction of beating up a guy who was acting like an asshole.

    No mention of Spring Breakers? It deserves to be mentioned as thematically similar to these other movies, whatever you think of its quality.

    "April is always going to appreciate being splattered with blood"

    Wow, how existential can you get?

    *scrubbed, moved to pertinent thread*

    Thanks for reminding me that Community is ostensibly set in Colorado. It's going to take me a week to like the show again.