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    Here's hoping we can start referring to it as "The Oscar-winning Jackass movie series."

    When I was out of the country in 2008, there were still YMCAs where you could stay for the night, and I'd be surprised if England is the last place where there are any left.

    Yeah, he's one of those guys who hair still looks full in the front, and then you turn around and that bald spot just comes out of nowhere. I can't make fun of it, because the same thing is happening to me, slowly but surely.

    I always wonder if the coaches of teams where that frequently happens ever taught their kids how to tackle. When I played Pee-Wee football, the first day of full-contact practice, the coaches practically gave us a seminar, making us go through the steps over and over: face mask up, put it between the numbers on the

    Kids are shameless front-runners. I first started paying attention to NBA basketball around 1991, so I was a Chicago Bulls fan for my entire childhood.

    Well obviously Frasier's dad, but thanks for reminding me of Barton Fink. I'm pretty sure he's supposed to basically be William Faulkner in that one- he actually looks quite a bit like Faulkner, and he has a Southern accent, and never quite learned the right way to treat alcohol or women.

    I'm pretty sure Nick described Hamlet as a rivalry between two warring families, "The McCalls and the Shakespeares."

    From Jim on The Office to Mark Brendanawicz on Parks and Recreation and now Peralta on Brooklyn 99, Michael Schur has made a habit of writing young male characters who have more wit than guts. This sort of thing is always going to be interesting, relatable, and funny to someone like me, who painfully identifies with

    But they were owned by Madrigal, a larger international conglomerate with ownership stakes in several fast-food businesses.

    "When Oscar discovers missiles have been installed near a lumber camp,
    Steve goes undercover as a lumberjack to investigate. He soon finds out
    that the site foreman is part of a plot to bring down the Presidential
    plane. "

    Elite British schools are actually called "public schools" in the UK for some reason.

    Judging the merits of a fantasy novel on its magic system alone is stupid, but I prefer the magic somewhat arbitrary. Fantasy series that have a "magic system" don't actually have magic- they just have an extra field of science that doesn't happen to exist in this world.

    And then he smashes the jukebox and we hear "Slap of a thousand suns!" "Slap of a million suns!" and "Slap of a thousand stars!" simultaneously.

    The ridiculous repetition of bits and escalating insanity wasn't exactly a difficult laugh, but I found most of it very funny. My favorite part was probably when Marshall said something, then claimed not to have said it, and everyone backed him up.

    Between this and "The Broath," I'd guess Bays and Thomas have a kung fu film or two in them.

    I backpacked there in college.

    He meets her at the wedding. We learned that around Season 4 or 5.

    Technically, Spore is an intelligent-design-based game.

    I dunno, I think for it to completely capture hip-hop's essence, it would have to be called "Beat the Pussy Up (While Wearing Ostentatious Jewelry)"

    Is there anything John Mahoney wasn't great in? This role, the barfly in Moonstruck, the dad in She's the One, hell, even the jingle-writer in Cheers whose presence would cause some interesting theories among continuity wonks five or so years later.