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    *Releases Jane Lynch from her cage*

    I hate that she keeps pooping all over my statuary.

    That's "straitjacket."

    Fair enough. My judgment could be affected by Roethlisberger aging about as well as most quarterbacks who spend half their career getting hit. But his success seemed tied to having Hines Ward or Santonio Holmes to throw to, someone that everyone knew was a good receiver. I don't know if Roethisberger can really

    And then that scene with the townspeople, where Amy looks at them and says "you….. you…. youuuuuu gettttttttt OUTTA HEEEEERE!"

    Roethlisberger's always been given more praise for his "toughness" than any particular skill, and he's only ever as good as the offense he happens to be in. And Warner had done nothing of note for years before coming to the Cardinals. Rivers is the best quarterback Whisenhunt has coached in some time. His major

    There were multiple substance-abuse infractions on a team located in one of the two states where it's legal to smoke weed? Color me shocked.

    And he's being coached by Ken Whisenhunt, who could probably turn a plank of wood into at least a Jay Cutler- or Tony Romo-caliber quarterback.

    Yeah, with all these 1990s steroid-use accusations flying left and right, has anyone even tried to implicate a pitcher? Would steroids even help a pitcher that much? Wouldn't pitchers' achievements in the 1990s be even more impressive considering they were pitching to a generation of jacked-up hitters? Though i

    I can't wait to finally get an official word count for a Ben Wyatt Fanfiction entry.

    Get it together, man! Plus D'Angelo did a Scenic Routes feature sometime in the last 18 months on the scene that included that shot! Are you once of those "fair-weather" commenters that doesn't dedicate major brainspace to every single article written on this site? Do you have *shudder* a job or a family or some such

    mratfink and Scrawler need to watch Se7en, apparently- that shot in the opening scene of the criminal's face in the puddle is a straight lift from that film.

    "Useless?" Really? When this episode was done, I was able to use it to fix several appliances in my kitchen. Maybe you should just keep it around for a while in case something breaks.

    A, though I got several more laughs after laughing my ass off at all the people who are complaining this is a "weird" or "dark" episode, as though weirdness and darkness weren't two of the main draws of Community.

    Great homage to the oeuvre of David Fincher in the opening scene (Se7en) and closing crawl (Zodiac). The dim lighting is also great.

    Props to Sean for attempting the parody, but my favorite reaction to this is still from Grantland, whose writer wondered why on earth this woman and Cormac McCarthy ever would have gotten a divorce.

    Wait, Nick, the guy who got irrationally angry at everything and always had a whole list of things he was going to do "some day" was happy the whole time? I dunno, that seems like a pretty serious retcon.

    Considering the show is based on Robinson's actual experiences as a middle school music teacher (which was his occupation before he got into acting), I'm cautiously optimistic. It'd be nice to have a show that gives a halfway-accurate picture of teaching.

    Given the method of the suicide, it may be the perfect description.

    Ha ha, good one!