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    It's the American Dream: a chicken in every pot, and an arrangement of people enthusiastically fucking on every monitor.

    I am amused that Nirvana and KISS are being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the same year, mostly because I imagine it pisses off both bands that they're somehow connected to each other, even this esoterically.

    My favorite part of the Ferrell WTF was when he and Maron started dissecting his worst films: Ferrell urges Maron not to watch Bewitched, saying "I saw that on cable recently and thought, 'why did I do that one?'" He describes his decision making process re: taking that movie thus: "Well, Nora Ephron's a big deal,

    The episode was good overall, except for a few parts that were not.

    I didn't think it was them being uninterested so much as it was both actors having problems with the cue cards. De Niro visibly squints to read "Frankincense" on a cue card.

    Wow. I think most claims of "reverse discrimination" are bullshit, but this honestly sounds like one of Feminist Bookstore Owner characters from Portlandia was in charge of the company.

    you used "pertain" wrong. Also, you are using "scribe" instead of writer (something not even a faux-intellectual would do), but then your sentence structure suggests that the scribe did not write the article, but somehow wrote a postmodernist. "Primacy" has nothing to do with anything. The whole display is a sad

    I'm sure Parker and Stone are real fucking worried about people getting offended by their show and deciding not to watch it.

    The living underground bit was my favorite, because of how the wheels come off the explanation halfway though. "How is she a hobbit when she doesn't live in a hole? She doesn't live in a hole! She lives in a big-ass mansion, in a private room, that happens to be a little bit underground- holdupholdupholdup."

    Loved the Clay Bixby bit in the tag.

    I love that Jon Stewart remains stubbornly convinced that Jennifer Lawrence looks anything like young Helen Mirren, and that he's trying to drag other actors into the debate. Plus, it led to this wonderful exchange with McKellen:

    I thought Adams won for Junebug.

    Dammit, thanks for guaranteeing I'm going to be let down by this movie. Now I want a There Will Be Blood-style battle of wills between an anti-Semitic, increasingly paranoid Walt Disney, and a Travers outlined along the lines of your comment.

    Every 200,000th thing Samuel L Jackson says is a profanity-free display of cutting wit, done with an 18th-century aristocratic London accent, a raised eyebrow, and a glass of port.

    Between Teti, the rest of the AV Club games staff, and Tom Chick, do we need any other game reviewers?

    Still better than what the showrunner for Dexter Season 8 plopped down on the Showtime exec's desk.

    Is that ever a criticism of a Showtime series?

    "as a hater of Superman, I enjoyed the movie"

    and a movie called "Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" isn't an easy target?

    Christopher Fergo, you crazy.