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    This comment section always makes me want to see stuff I didn't even think I wanted to see, like an Aziz Ansari cameo as the guy who designs the costumes for SHIELD personnel. Just have him testing a pair of stretchy purple pants when the scene starts. "No, this isn't good enough; we need these purple pants to be even

    In the original Captain America comics, he had a secret identity even when he was over in Germany- like, there was this one U.S. regiment that always had Captain America show up out of nowhere and save the day. And Steve Rogers deflected any suspicion that it might be him by being a deliberately clumsy and inept

    LOL at Blade taking over in Hell's Kitchen. I can imagine the conversations.
    "What the hell?"
    "Don't worry, child, I am saving you from these vampires."
    "Those aren't vampires! They're kids from my school!"
    "…in that case, I probably shouldn't have staked them through the chest. I'm going to go now. Remember, child,

    I don't think he's dead, but I did like how this episode did the " 'I'm going to do the right thing'/immediately dies" bit at the end.

    Maybe ABC should point out how diverse AoS's writing staff is. Then all these socially-conscious, predominantly-white TV critics would immediately change their tone to "well, it's not the best show, but it's just so brave."

    Why did he have to do that to that beautiful football field? The groundskeeper must cry himself to sleep every night, maybe comfort himself by thinking that it's not as bad as the time Captain America stopped by.

    I read that as Mae almost slipping and telling Skye the truth, and trying to cover her tracks. She says something like "you know what Coulson is having me do?" and then pauses, realizes she went too close to the truth, and then absolutely lays into Skye, hoping that the chewing-out is traumatic enough that Skye

    She's on a government spy plane that looks like an upscale cocktail lounge and has separate bedrooms for everyone. I think the complaints about unrealistic hair have to be put aside when she's no longer living in a van.

    I think a sitcom about the petty small-stakes politicking going on with the apartment's satanic co-op board would actually be pretty funny.

    I think a sitcom about the petty small-stakes politicking going on with the apartment's satanic co-op board would actually be pretty funny.

    He is exactly as indicative of 21st century culture as Bob Saget was of 20th century culture.

    The weird thing for me was, I still found that video pretty funny when I heard that the guy died. Sure, death is serious business, snuff films aren't cool, but when an somebody determinedly rams an elevator door with his electric scooter several times until the door collapses, well, what did he expect to happen?

    On the other hand, they'll have a good laugh at "Why You Won't Succeed On Broadway," though probably for the wrong reasons.

    Your comment brings up an interesting question: if the people on the street know Leonidas as "the main character in 300" (which is what they would call him if you asked), can they be said to know who the historical Leonidas was? I'll maintain that anybody who knows Leonidas knows Themistocles. And more people take

    Just grease up the shipbuilders and have naked ladies writhing on top of each of the wooden planks they move to the doc. History Miller'd up.

    All these fond remembrances of Reach are making me think I should try picking it up again. I remember the first cutscene after a mission was just absolutely hackneyed and awful- there was some old military woman there, and Jorge kept calling her "mum" but the subtitle said "ma'am," so I didn't know if she was supposed

    Yeah, it's difficult to care about character deaths in a game where death means traveling back 30 seconds in time.

    "Thousands of years on, do we remember Leonidas, or the guy who eventually defeated the Persians?"

    Dear Lord. At least Robertson got the name right.

    Not just breaking in and looking around, but complaining about all the improvements you spend thousands of dollars making to the place.