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    Goddammit, I instinctively looked for that song and now I have "Arcade Fire Porno" in my search history. Now all my Google Ads are going to be for sex toys made from accordion parts.

    I would actually really like Phish if they were aliens or robots, so you make a good point.

    I love how, after nine seasons of people complaining that the show is taking too long to get to the mother, people are now complaining that the show is taking too long to get to the wedding. I can't wait to hear everyone complain that the finale should have been a 6-minute webisode.

    You don't understand- this season begins at the beginning of the wedding, and ends with the wedding ending and Ted meeting the mother on the train back. We already know exactly how far the plot is going to progress over the course of the season, so clearly the only logical thing for us to do as viewers is to demand

    Being able to read and process cue cards/teleprompters quickly is an underrated skill, and I'm always surprised when some SNL performers remain in the cast for years and years without ever quite getting it down.

    Also, I find those eyes weirdly sexy. Same with Cecily Strong's eyebrows.

    No, I appreciate you and almost everyone else in this conversation reminding me that terrible opinions can happen to perfectly decent people.

    Yeah, how the hell did grad school become the smart option for English majors?

    Sounds like SOMEONE was a virgin until at least middle school.

    Well, I was going to mention The Pale Man scene, but it's been covered enough that I'll go with the last 15 minutes or so of The Fly instead. I saw it when I was a little kid and was not ready to see a human body disfigured in so many ways in such a short time span. The acid on the guy's limbs, the "grub baby"

    When his hand first moves, there's a sound effect like a 100-year-old deadbolt being unlocked, which is perfect.

    The first time I saw the film, I knew about the shower scene, but somehow had never heard the secret of Norman's mother. Nothing like being shocked by a movie that's older than your parents.

    Future Newswire text: "Robert Pollard released a statement saying that the GBV rhythm guitarist's decision to buy 'way more ice cream than is strictly necessary' on a recent trip to the grocery store 'has nothing to do with Guided By Voices. He is acting on his own and has been fined two pints of rum raisin by the

    Uh… why the hell would the band "have anything to do" with one of its members trying to sell his equipment? In what universe does that concern any of the other band members at all? I can't see how anyone but a total egomaniac would feel the need to comment on the event at all, especially if the seller's no longer a

    That's actually one of my Brubaker blind spots. I've read the first trade, but haven't had the free time or spending money to get the rest. So quite possibly it's the second-best thing he's done. It might come down to whether you like crime novels or spy novels more.

    Again, maybe look at the comment I'm responding to. Context matters.

    As opposed to the well-developed characters in this two-minute trailer? I'm not claiming that the main problem with AoS is the visuals, I'm responding to Meander's comment that the show should *look* like this trailer.

    We would all like to live in a world where a network would spend $100 million per hour of television, but unless ABC agrees to that, I'm afraid Agents of SHIELD is always going to look a little low-rent.

    Don't you read the papers, pal? Captain America practically never wears a parachute. He says parachutes are for girls.

    No one liked Kranz in Season 1, though, and most of the other characters needed to wait a long time before they got anything interesting to do. It even took Enver Gjokaj (or whatever his name is) about halfway through Season 1 before anyone realized he was more than a pretty face. I will admit that right now the