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    They've got to establish the universe before they can start weirding it up. I have a feeling your enjoyment of it going forward is really going to depend upon how much you liked the progression of Dollhouse.

    Now I really hope they do the bit from Ultimates 1 where the entire Helicarrier fleet flies to a small island only to get taken out by an alien trap.

    Louis CK!

    I really want Ruffalo to get a Hulk movie, but I'm not sure I want another Hulk movie. Can we just digitally replace Eric Bana with Ruffalo in the Ang Lee one?


    Not a burn on Incognito (or Daredevil or Iron Fist), I just think that that run of comics may be my favorite Marvel comic run ever.

    Thing is, Millar's character is probably much closer to how someone from the 1940s would actually react to the 21st century. Captain America is always the Marvel character that threatens to become too idealized, so I liked how the Ultimates 1&2 made him a guy whose heart is basically in the right place, but doesn't

    The more I think about the character, the more I'm pretty sure he's a walking Brideshead Revisited reference: his last name is Chesterton (a quote from G.K. Chesterton is central to the book), he has a Sebastian Flyte-like sexual ambiguity, and the soliloquy he's so excited about saying in the radio show is basically B

    But it was imperfectly arranged, so he had to fix it until it looked nice! I love that tag.

    Looks like they're basically putting Ed Brubaker's interpretation of the character into the Ultimate universe. Even though I really liked Ultimate Cap (and thought the France line was funny), I'm super excited for this, because Captain America is the best thing Brubaker's ever done that's not called Criminal.


    Patrick Stewart's gay character was pretty damn gay, and the character of Gil was always a little off even for the show (though to its credit, it never had Gil discover he was gay, and when the show ends he could plausibly still be a straight man of rather effeminate behavior) but the show was otherwise fairly

    I also thought the episode was hilarious, and enjoyed the guest characters, but I really like Brooklyn 99. So conflicted… upvote or downvote?

    I really liked this episode, but then I enjoy it when the show embraces its sitcom roots, and I really think Lane is able to make his character fun to watch by just throwing himself into the role. I think the show chose poorly as to which actor is likely going to show up in more future episodes (seriously, can't we

    Do you mean Mousehunt, or are you referring to the Agatha Christie murder mystery play?

    Huh, I had just the opposite reaction- I'm sure I would hate Pepper as a character if it were just some average actor I'd never heard of, but I think Lane is able to elevate the stereotype into a funny character by virtue of being Nathan Fucking Lane. He's got this huge, stagey presence that gives the standard sitcom

    It's actually how he got the nickname, one utterly-destroyed school desk later.

    Still better than having to own or rent the movies.

    Only because it looks like dialogue is intruding on the sentence, which is a problem you're going to have with any interjection. Either take out the exclamation mark or turn the word into an interrupter that can transform the subject into a subordinate phrase without doing violence to the sentence:

    I was in a college dorm around the time those Chuck Norris Jokes really started circulating, and have become so desensitized to hyperbolic claims about his combat prowess that it's really odd whenever I remember that for a while, he really was one of the most talented martial artists in the world, and could probably