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    This review has made me nervous that every other season of Korra is going to be the equivalent of a "filler season" like you tend to get in successful anime based on manga, where they have to give the manga a few months to catch up.

    Why would Jimmy Kimmel's relations be mad at Kanye West?  Are they mad that they're going to be spending more time with Jimmy now that Kanye's written all his jokes for the next four weeks?

    Because "wheel" rhymes with "feel," whereas "whale" does not?

    @avclub-3428e19567b810565b7647eaa8040e59:disqus Vanity Fair.  Middlemarch. Tess of the D'Urbervilles.  One Hundred Years of Solitude.  Midnight's Children.  Blood Meridian.  The Sot-Weed Factor.  Moby Dick. White Noise.  A Handful of Dust.  Tristram Shandy.  Tom Jones.  Paradise Lost.  Great Expectations. Bleak House.

    There's not enough insincere wailing and genuflecting in the third book for their tastes, I guess.

    You'd better do it quickly, then, before he grows up and becomes the baddest man in the whole damn town.

    Police Chief Brown.  He's not much of a cop himself, but I trust his son to solve all the trivia-based crimes before dessert.

    I just saw it, and even though I liked the pilot, I really hope the daughter's second attempt at a school project failed too.  It certainly wasn't any less cheesy, and presumably lacked Michael J. Fox furiously failing to open a pickle jar over canned "inspirational" music.

    Ron wouldn't like that.  English breakfast sausages taste different than the type you tend to get for breakfast in the States, and have a softer texture.  If you bite into one expecting the other, it's not pleasant.

    Ronald Ulysses Swanson.

    The funny thing that the episode really missed is that, if Cam farmed the teaching out to the AP students, making one student give a detailed Alex-like presentation on the historical period for each day of class, that would actually be a great teaching strategy- making students teach material is by far the most

    It's the new way we make reference humor- rather than referring to anything that actually happens in an episode, we make up moments with figures from other parts of pop culture that weren't involved in any way, and whose presence inside the show would create no other layer of meaning.

    But the joke was that the gay male couples were all creeped out by Jay, and probably very angry that he was ruining their moment and setting back perceptions of gay people with his underage child husband at the courthouse.

    "Tell him you've been to the doctor's and they've found a dark mass… and then you pull out the ring box.  THERE'S your dark mass!"

    What are you quoting?

    Well, it's a good thing kids have no way of mentally constructing personal internal narratives of their history and heritage, largely cobbled together from second- and third-hand accounts of where their family is from and how they came to be a part of that family.  If a kid's mother dies giving birth to him?  He's too

    The Modern Family writers made this episode just to step all over your blog post?  Those BASTARDS!

    The old adage about familiarity and contempt doesn't make an exception for one's children.

    Adam Sandler is Jack. Adam Sandler is Jill. This November, Adam Sandler shits in your eyes, ears, and mouth. It's Adam Sandler in Pbbbbbt, rated Arg for pirates. Fuck you!

    If that's the line, it still has nothing on "I have all five of my senses and I slept last night, so that puts me six up on the lot of you!"