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    As opposed to every other movie theater floor in existence?

    No, Dowd just really wanted to emphasize that JGL didn't deserve that line, and it is only through the eternal goodwill and generosity of Christopher Nolan that he ever got to say it in the first place.

    So when are we going to get a modern version of Christopher Marlowe's Edward II?  It was a likely inspiration for Richard II, and has the bonus of ending with one of the most horrific onstage executions of all time.

    Any time A.A. Dowd gives a movie a C+, I just assume he didn't have time to watch the film in question.  Of the C+ movies I've seen, about half have been great and half have been terrible, which doesn't do much to dispell my assumptions.  It's fine, I'm pretty busy myself.

    THIS guy knows what I'm talking about! This guy DEFINITELY knows what I'm talking about!

    I read A Lie of the Mind and it confirmed that I cannot read plays and come to a reasonable conclusion about their likely quality unless they're written by Arthur Miller.  When I read Death of a Salesmen or The Crucible I can see the events playing out in my head, but when I read Glengarry Glen Ross I couldn't

    It had me at "Brandt-induced whiplash."

    This cast seriously has me excited for this show. When was the last time a sitcom had a cast this deep? The title, on the other hand, has me worried that the show won't have much of an identity at first.


    I get it!

    I would say that Nick's supportive "Sometimes!  Sometimes!" pushes the former ahead just a little bit.  But that second line is a thing of beauty.

    OpenOffice apparently does weird things when you copy-paste.  Fixed now.

    I'm not a fan of the Schmidt storyline, but it was almost worth it to see one of those "two dates arrive at the same party" thing work out.  The traditional version of the storyline is beyond tired, but this is a pretty good spin on a worn-out idea.

    So long as it's broken up by interludes of Winston doing that scary walk that scares Nick.

    Best one-liners from each of the regular cast (best exchanges would just involve me writing down 90% of the script):

    I thought shooting for the beginning of the season might have conflicted with shooting the second of the new Muppet movies.  I think Segel will be back sooner than the last episode.

    Given that her character's on the Kennedy Special for the weekend, is Alyson Hannigan going to be playing drunk for the entire season?  I don't know if that would be terrible or awesome.

    Bill Hader's character would agree it was problematic, but largely for reasons that are quite problematic themselves.

    Finish your thoughts LoveWaffle:

    Leech could be short for "mosquito-leech" or something.  Maybe it's just something boring and straightforward, like a lamprey-leech.