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    "But in this case, those details are key to how just plain old fan watchers perceive this Water Tribe conflict and Korra's reaction to it: Is Unalaq a straight-up invader, or a legitimate ruler who’s just really bad at PR? Is Varrick a kind of foolhardy freedom fighter, or just a rich guy inciting a civil war so he

    Where would we be as a nation without the sober and considered moral guidance of MAD magazine?

    Yes, but Todd makes a good point as to why that's not necessarily terrible: Lorre adjusts his shows to the strengths of the characters.  When those characters are a misogynistic asshole who perpetually uses women or a pair of nerds who regard them as an unpredictable and possibly dangerous foreign species, the

    As another person forced by a multitude of sisters to watch and re-watch Grease throughout my childhood, the intermission animation playing in the background of Travolta's song was always a highlight for me.  I can't believe I didn't realize it was a sex joke until now.

    Same with Under the Dome, which, while big, is about as small as it is possible for a book with that plot and those characters to be.

    Cordelia is innocent, sure, but far from uninvolved- her decision sets the whole play in motion, and when she is captured she is in the process of orchestrating a French military takeover of England.  I'm thinking more Barnabus's daughter in The Jew of Malta (though I guess that's comparing Breaking Bad to Marlowe.

    Yeah, because if Andrea hadn't stepped out of her house, she'd be totally fine right now.

    But then it would feel like Brock is repeating the same cycle his uncle Tomas went through, especially if it's reminiscent of The Wire in any way.

    @avclub-55e3810d28d3d3b098f2405b29602eea:disqus yeah, like Lydia being dead would stop Todd.

    I really hope he does, only because of the insane leaps in logic that would take:
    "But Walt, how does killing us show that you were involved in the ideas behind Gray Matter?"
    "SHUT UP!"

    …only to die when it turns out that, moments before Todd killed Brock, Walt poisoned him again.

    You monster.  You got Jesse so worked up that he forgot to look for cameras.

    I suppose it was inevitable that someone would beat me to this.

    Dexter's a lumberjack, and (apparently) he's okay.
    He sleeps all night (unless he's still killing, in which case he spends at least some of the night killing people, and why was that left ambiguous?) and he works all day.

    There is no shame in having a long-standing crush on Alyson Hannigan. I'm pretty sure her adorableness transcends space and time.  Either that, or her post-pregnancy boobs really worked out well.

    Really?  It seems like even a below-average dirty talker would have some pretty effective responses to "9/11 was an inside job."

    I had sex listening to Dawes the other day, and when I was done, my dick was two inches longer than it had been before!

    Yeah, "Closer" is great fucking music.  Stop trying to be all subtle and postmodern about fucking, AV Club writers!  It's fucking, not a four-hour documentary about people walking around a field or some shit!

    Their fans always talk about the really complex fingering involved in those songs- might as well put it to the test.

    When God closes a vagina, he opens a butt.