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    Wait, Mike "long takes are terrible, especially when done by Alfonso Cuaron" D'Angelo?

    Shaun of the Dead is actually pretty similar with the ending- you still have the zombies, but they've sort of been absorbed into the larger society, and become the unserious pop-culture fodder they were at the beginning of the film when everyone thought the idea of a zombie invasion was ridiculous.

    There's also the fact that Edgar Wright has said several times that he thinks Scott Pilgrim is an unreliable narrator without ever making too much of a big deal about it.  It wouldn't surprise me to hear he's done a similar thing with The World's End, and taken the Scott Pilgrim strategy of not insisting on it as the

    When I re-watched Shaun of the Dead in anticipation of this movie, I was shocked to find out that the wife with the zombie husband on the talk show at the end was not Diane with Zombie David.  I was certain that was the comic payoff to her running out into the mass of zombies using David's leg as a weapon, but nope, I

    I dunno, his refusal to grow up plunges the whole world into post-apocalyptic oblivion.  Granted, the robots were kind of dicks about the whole thing, but the whole point of that ending is that humans are constantly dicks.

    I'm a huge latecomer here, but if you weren't frequently laughing out loud at this movie, I don't know what type of world you live in, man.  Pegg's character never quite getting how sad and fucked up his own life was had everybody in my theater rolling in the aisles.

    I really liked The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, and I'm hoping Jones keeps making quiet, well-written post-Westerns like that for a long time to come.

    @avclub-e346d6f1bb5d611c2b6f81dae3046d20:disqus I don't.

    This guy sounds like he needs to get his fucking life together.

    I thought this gag reel's line "when I sit on the toilet, my balls hang down into the water.  What if I flush them?" was pretty good, too.

    Not only that, but did you know he used to be in a band?  I don't think many people know that, as they would have to get almost halfway through any of his articles to find out.

    I did a CTRL+F for "penis" as soon as I saw those awards. I knew you guys wouldn't let me down.

    Gingers may or may not be more evil, too difficult to tell at present.

    Oh, I thought that was referring to factional infighting tearing the country apart. Yours makes more sense.

    I'm conflicted… on one hand, this may not be the best career move, and could lead to typecasting.  On the other hand, I have no interest in and little knowledge of the book, but if there is a movie with a lot of Dakota Johnson acting demure-but-excited while dressed in bondage gear, that's a movie I might want to

    @avclub-d1dd537846e529e1101d7c23e170fe4b:disqus That part where the Iceman-esque pilot was knocked into a pipe, which floods steam all around him just as he's starting to get angry, is a great little visual detail, one of hundreds of such touches in a movie that was awesome, shut up, what, were you expecting the

    @avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus But how does he know what to say?  And how does he know where to stand?

    Things you could buy with a major sales bonus circa 2005:

    Yeah, well, if Dunder-Mifflin is big enough to fill that conference room with only a couple people per branch, and the Scranton Branch has the #1 and #9 salesmen in the company working for it, yeah, they probably do alright.

    Also, the way Angela makes shivering a part of her symptoms, as though it's Oscar's preference for a colder room that's finally driven her to take a sick day.