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    The aqueduct?

    Dammit @avclub-55e3810d28d3d3b098f2405b29602eea:disqus I had JUST forgotten about it!

    I've watched that clip of Louise freaking out four times in a row now, and I think it's getting funnier.  Louise having an argument with herself and a conversation with Tina at the same time is amazing.

    I'm a little weirded out by all the people saying Louise is a future dom because she wants to slap a boy she has a crush on.  I admit my childhood happened quite a while ago, but if I remember correctly, prepubescent girls and boys expressing their crushes on one another through open hostility was more or less  the

    Tasha, if Freaks and Geeks is one of the shows you've only watched one season of, I have some disappointing news…

    And of course, Slough had the advantage of having a poem written about it that doubled as The Office's thesis statement.

    If they're still blending Ultimate Universe versions of the characters with 616 versions, that's not outside the realm of possibility.

    Whatever, man, I'm gonna watch this special with my friend Darren.  He's cool!

    How does he know where to stand?  Someone told him.

    @disqus_okgItcD0yy:disqus Well, when someone suggests that a ham is an appropriate holiday gift (especially on a holiday where the gifts in question are supposed to have a more transcendent meaning), that's where my mind goes.

    Oh my God, I just realized that's a "Jesus healing people on the Sabbath" joke.

    The "900 years old" thing actually ends with Moses.  Post-Flood, all the new babies get normal-sized lives.  This was likely due to a difference in the time units used to describe a person's age in two source texts we've never seen, but the author of Genesis tries to reconcile it by saying that God changed people's

    @avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Technically, I believe it was "send his mistress out to create the Arab race in the desert," but then he didn't know he was doing that, so it doesn't really count.

    I'm surprised no one's mentioned Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes yet.  It's their first full album, but it's got three of their best songs with "The Wrong Way," "Staring at the Sun," and "Ambulance."  The rest of the album is solid as well. Their later albums are good, but don't have nearly enough a capella

    Did you hear the panic in the director's voice when he called cut?  Her youthful idealism and steely determination are already tearing down the walls aloof complacency that he erects every day so he will not have to feel anything, and ushering in a new age of woods nudity and casual drug use that will solve all our

    And ever since "My Name Is," the studio basically holds the album hostage until he releases a song that sounds a little bit like "My Name Is."  For The Marshall Mathers LP, he had to make two, because "The Way I Am" was considered too dark to be a lead single.

    Eminem is only really interested in pop culture at the point where it begins to fester a little, where the mask starts to slip off the freak show.  Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee weren't exactly a new thing the first time he rhymed about them, and they sure as hell weren't on anyone's radar by 2000.

    "Poop on me once, shame on you!  Poop on me twice, we're not best friends anymore!"

    "Broadcast Wagstaff News" is great, though that could be said of pretty much every season 3 episode.