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    Pretty sure it's Kevin Kline and Megan Mulally who sing it, in the episode at least.

    Pass the cranberry sauce
    We're having mashed potatoes,
    Ooh the turkey looks great.


    @avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus  Well, he's also not throwing the gauntlet down like Walt is in that scene- this is his fiancee's best friend; even if he did want to warn him off, he couldn't be too direct about it. But on the other hand, he's not generally a very Machiavellian dude, so it could be him

    You know how much it costs to buy a throne in castle smug cunt?  One correct opinion.  I guess you can't afford it.

    David Wallace's name is one of the better Infinite Jest nods Michael Schur managed to slip into the show.

    Even if it wasn't, it would still get points for putting the Blur song in my head every time I see it.

    As I wrote above, I prefer to think that all of those things were destroyed by Michael, which makes him sort of a villain, but also makes the later show seem a lot darker in a good way.

    Season 2 Pam is in Scranton, and is deeply unhappy (largely because of who she's getting married to), and associates those feelings with her location, thinking that if she could just leave town then everything else would disappear.

    Also, you have to have good social intelligence to know whether or not Jan is the type to give boob during an impromptu makeout session.

    The only annoying part about the Jim/Roy interaction is that the writers feel the need to have Roy make a crack about how he likes having Jim there, "because then she talks to you and it's not all 'blah blah blah' when she gets home."  We get it show, Roy's a terrible person who doesn't deserve Pam.

    "Actually, eight months sober."

    One of the more consistently amusing through-lines in seasons 1-6 is the way that Michael manages to ultimately destroy the psyche of almost anyone who ever tries to keep him in line (Jan, Ryan, eventually even David Wallace).  It's the "slobs versus snobs" comedy template taken to its dark, anarchic conclusion, and

    That scene is fucking brilliant, especially how it cuts to commercial just when it starts to get really excructiating, and you think "oh thank God," and then it comes back from commercial… and the video is still playing!  And then it finally, finally ends, and we see "A Michael Scott Joint" in Comic Sans.  Just

    Since the AV Club already has reviews up for Season 4 onward, I think they're treating seasons 1-3 like their own show, and everything is on a scale where the absolute bottom of the barrel is the pilot, and the best is Office Olympics/The Injury/Casino Night or something else.  So the highs are a lot higher than the

    Getting Dwight to understand Valentine's Day is like getting the Herdman kids to understand Christmas.

    Best deleted scenes:

    I could point out the usage error in your last sentence, but that would be like trying to shoo a fly off a dog turd.

    Agreed on Tonight.  Not only do the synths work really well with Franz Ferdinand's established sound, but it's easily their funkiest record- there are 4-5 different songs on it that are so compulsively head-bobbing, they should be kept away from anyone with a neck injury.