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    I'm just amused that everyone seems to have a slightly different memory of this one line (though the different sources would be a logical explanation).

    Charles and Mary Lamb would like a word.

    I like that, in the middle of the Silly Walks sketch, they take time to outline the minister's quasi-adversarial relationship with his secretary.  Little details like that just make the whole thing so much funnier.

    "and the rape scene, wherein his cries of 'what's all this then?' spoiled the impeccable choreography of."

    "Why, last year, the government spent less money on Silly Walks than national defense!"

    I'd like to donate some blood.  Woooorrrrrr!


    I did laugh at the scene where a guy gets killed by a bullet falling from the sky because there's a giant crowd of people firing extremely low-caliber pistols into the air a hundred feet away.

    The article is making me wonder if Vanderslice demanded that his girlfriend be allowed in the photo with him.

    I did a CTRL+F for "School of Rock" and was disappointed nobody had apparently mentioned it.  Finding this at the top improved my mood.

    I think the writers had an idea of the type of girl they wanted JD to date next, and then some NBC executive came in and said, "you know what your show could really use?  An actress who looks like a Barbie doll that made too many bad decisions."

    J.D.'s dickishness in Season 3 pays off not just at the end of the season, but when he discovers Cox tied up in a body drawer in the morgue.

    I'm really excited to see the new storylines they could create.

    Was it just me, or did it look like he stepped on Aubrey Plaza's head?

    Do you know who I am?  Do you know how many anonymous commenters I've killed?  Look at you, you're not even wearing a profile pic… hopeless.  Why don't you just lie down on the ground?

    The Conversion of the Jews is a major part of the Christian apocalypse.

    Sectec Astronomy = Nosey Torts Mecca

    I'd be very disappointed in the whole commentariat if no one has mentioned that Lucille's prison jumpsuit number is "07734."

    His version of "So What" is way better than Pink's, too.

    Any time he was reviewing a Hannibal movie, Roger Ebert would bring up the time he was eating at a restaurant with Anthony Hopkins, and a woman approached Hopkins, saying, "Oh, you're Hannibal Lecter.  I wish my husband were more like you!"