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    I'm pretty sure Walter White's manipulation is going to come to light sometime in the next four months.

    I have to say, having watched a good deal of stuff made by Bryan Singer and Ryan Murphy, it's nice to find a gay guy who's capable of casting appealing female leads.

    @avclub-30016cd5b9045be8de99ad5f1cbfd9af:disqus wait, the autism spectrum doesn't move from "autistic" to "sociopath" does it?  That was my clue that it was not "clearly establishing him as on the spectrum"- the spectrum Will's describing doesn't exist.

    That's the really cool thing that's got me excited for Season 2- it looks like it's going to be like Silence of the Lambs, but we're allowed to unreservedly root for the person in the Lecter role.  Hell, we even want him to escape, because we know it's a frame-up.

    Hannibal would definitely have a Sith-apprentice-relationship with any protege, yes.

    "If he's going to tell the same three stories over and over, I'll let him wait in line for Elysium tickets by himself."

    I don't think you understand.  WE WERE FORCED TO ROOT FOR A CHARACTER WHO HAD A SOUTHERN ACCENT.  I can say without exaggeration that it was exactly like watching a 2-hour clip of John Lasseter pissing on the American flag, only without the physiological impressiveness and overseas appeal.


    When I see comments like this, I really have to wonder if there is a segment of the population that, whenever Larry the Cable Guy opens his mouth, hears nothing but the sound of a hundred rabbits screaming as they bleed to death.  Cars 2 wasn't very good, but it was at least Dreamworks good.

    I suppose that if you are a rich white teenager in the 1950s, you're much more likable when you refuse to recognize or acknowledge the hypocrisy of the people who share your position in society.  Just accept that your roommate's money means that he gets to do what he wants, continue to accept money to write his term

    What I didn't get was, why didn't Holden just play on his school's lacrosse team?  Then he'd be totally cool and wouldn't have problems with people!  Geez, Salinger, if you're such a good writer why didn't you think of that?

    There house.  There castle.

    @avclub-ee4fadf37efceab02df97947e8d240a6:disqus Those expressions are all saying the same thing: "don't blow this take by laughing, don't blow this take by laughing…"

    Good idea.  I'd hate for the movie to imply that there's something messianic about the concept of Superman.

    Didn't they actually have an HIV-positive Muppet at one point?  Or am I having dreams about HIV-positive Muppets?

    That little half-whispered "this is happening" is so fucking creepy, even though I know intellectually that it's probably Carell warning Nunez that he was going to kiss him (the kiss was improvised by Carell with nobody else expecting it, iirc).

    I was gonna say, don't ever let Erik watch the UK Office.  If he thinks Season 1 Michael Scott is a sociopathic bully, one scene with David Brent entering a room and immediately demanding to be the center of attention would have him crying in the corner.


    "Animal Sounds for $200:  This is the sound a doggy makes."

    Have you seen Colbert's recent riff on how CitiBike, elevators, and subway stations have ruined New York?  That was another fucking beautiful piece.