
Givin' Stereolab and Spacemen 3 the high-hat? That's a paddlin'.

I'm more of a Are You Driving Me Crazy? man, but I like them all.

Modell, no matter how much shit I or anyone else here give you for any other issues with this project, you are ACES in my book for recognizing the greatness of Seam. And you should listen to their other records too, they never made a bad one.


It's earned it. It was Paid in Full years ago.

Stop trying to make Die Antwoord happen.

Nailed the biggest and weirdest issue - the drumming. I will never understand what happened there.

I was a big fan of the green tint. It was like an old Coke bottle.

Man, this looks beautiful. I have Nah Und Fern, but only as purchased MP3s - I think I scammed it for cheap off of eMusic, way back when, before they changed their pricing structure.

To be fair, the AVC search function is so crappy that the writer of this piece may have been unable to easily locate the earlier one before he wrote his own.

Hook is a great bassist but grade-A asshole, from everything I can tell, and he's one of those who seems to believe that being so is "punk".

Great comment, and I can totally understand your discomfort - I'm a white dude, but have been struggling with this show for similar reasons.

I'm liking this album a lot.

I can't seem to find the original quote, just references to it, but supposedly J called "Heaven" the "only listenable song on Kiss Me".

The reunion albums have been really good. And J's solo stuff (and Witch) have all been solid to good as well. Dude's been on a quiet run of excellence for years now.

"Get Me" is good, but I'd go with "Goin' Home" - such a melancholy little tune, a Dino outlier, with that Beastie Boys organ jape at the end. Love that one.

Not too much here that grabs me this time, but I still appreciate this feature.

Awesome overview (thanks Sean!) and all the names I would have wanted to see, are already in there!

I liked Boom Bip's Seed to Sun. Diplo's Florida was also in a similar vein.

I actually thought Tenderness was a step up from the complete loss of the second one, since it at least had a couple OK tracks (the title track and "Like No Other").