
The only !!! you need to know about is the far superior Nic Offer-less Out Hud.

James Murphy/DFA even reissued their records!

That yowly Robert Smith vocal style also pops up on "House of Jealous Lovers", as well as LCD B-side "Give It Up".

v2.0 is the one I like, so I am going to check this out.


I was going to talk shit here about the terminally-boring Bedhead, but Modell redeemed himself with his love for the far-superior Seam. Shit-talking averted.

Awesome, thanks, you rock!

Private Press isn't as good as Entroducing, but it still has some really, really good stuff on it. I didn't care for the track here though - seemed aimless.

I'm listening to it now and liking it, but I have an unrelated question - what's the name of the artist who did the pic on their track up there (the girl with the keyhole in her neck)? I like their work (have seen it before and now for the life of me can't remember their name so as to find them again).

You are correct, they did.

Or "Spit on a Stranger" and "Mr. Bojangles". Or Luna quoting a musical bit of VH's "Jump" on "Dizzy".

"What is it about music that lends
itself so well / to business as fuckin' usual?" -

No, it is incredibly stupid, even compared to the examples you list, which at least have some good-to-great bits.

Fair enough, and I didn't mean to impugn the integrity of the author or the AVClub.

1. Are these "Newswires"? Or are they "sponsored content", a la the Great Dawes Debacle? I realize the AV Club isn't the Associated Press, but shouldn't "Newswire" mean something?

You're not wrong. Maybe the problem really is that they don't treat music reviews too seriously here, so the only people that write them, are the ones who want to (that is, they have an artist/album they want strongly to share, which means at least a B). If you have a stable of strong music writers, you should be

While I take your point, we are absolutely drowning in new music, so I assume they only write up those records that someone on staff liked. Why waste time writing about something you hate? If they did that it'd just end up like "Hatesong" and we all know how well-liked THAT feature is.

Mind you, CancerAIDS can be pretti nasti…

And stay out! [shakes fist]

I'm going to check this out as soon as I get to my computer and some decent headphones, but past experience tells me if the principal songwriters are splitting their songs by side, this is probably their final record.