
Maybe it would have been seen as too over the top, but I would have ended that scene with Martha finding out, with the camera on Clark's face, over the sounds of Martha retching. That seems like the logical reaction to that sort of news.

I wanted the recap to delve further into that scene, because to me its layers showed how Elizabeth is once more badly misjudging Paige.

I know you are joking, but mark my words, it IS foreshadowing/thematic linking, and to the point of the OP recap, Henry will turn out to be the "missed signal" (the writers lampshaded, once again, that his parents pay no attention to him) that brings everything crashing down.

This is a Whigs album that I haven't played a ton, but this is a great writeup and makes me want to revisit it. Once again, the music coverage around here is stepping its game up. Thanks again.

Get 1965. Now.

Only time I've been to First Ave. I saw GbV there. Good show, met some nice people.

Yep, Paige is every bit her parents' child - she has Philip's conscience, and Elizabeth's steely resolve.


I'm not actually sure they could stop it…there's a lot of artists that, to get what they consider their fair share of royalties, have re-recorded a classic album and released it.

I'm checking them out right now, and there's definitely a 'Chunk influence (the bandname alone is kind of a giveaway), but "better" than old 'Chunk is probably a stretch.

I will check out Brick Mower, since I miss early Superchunk. Thanks.

I used to kind of resent Nirvana for similar reasons, but what happened wasn't their fault. It was just "right place, right time", and to Nirvana's credit, they spent a lot of time and effort repping their peers and influences, and in some cases helped raise those bands' profiles and bank accounts (SY, Wipers, etc.

Agreed, great piece. Music coverage around here is looking up as of late, at least in long-form (there was a "coming albums" feature a week or two ago that was quite helpful). More please, and more/better reviews too.

I think it's hard to understand now how tribal music allegiances were in the eighties. It wasn't QUITE "mods vs. rockers" levels of gang-like violence, at least not often, but people definitely picked a tribe and stuck with it.

I like Simon Reynolds, but he has a pretty strong bias against what I'll call for lack of a better word, "melodic classicism" - that is, a guitar-pop song with a strong melody and not a ton of production effects. He doesn't trust 'em, sees them as backward-looking. He wrote a legendarily-clueless GbV review, in

Yeah, I was really hoping we'd find out that it is finally getting a legit release. I have MP3s of it and it rocks, but I'd pay for an official, lossless release.

Mine has a deer on it.

I'm not sure, but I believe it is some sort of hovercraft.

Wussy are great and everyone should check them out and the new album rocks. That is all.

I have a Wussy shirt too. REPRESENT!