
Should we shoehorn in Mazzy Star, since that's basically Roback + Sandoval?

Sometimes I wonder if it's just that my brain can't hold any more Pollard hooks. That particular mental record shelf is just full and can hold no more.

I like the track, and good call on it sounding "post-LCD". I always like it when the progenitors are influenced in turn by their followers and show it: like Bob Mould paying tribute to Pixies and MBV songs with Sugar.

Agreed, this is actually a good and helpful music piece.

Speaking for myself, I loved S1 and was looking forward to S2, but am only now starting to catch up on backlogged episodes. I think maybe they just got caught out by bad timing, and everyone's attention is spread too thin across too many "channels" now. It's a shame, because I think it's really good.

I kind of resent DIIV. Not for being addicts and jerks, but because apparently being addicts and jerks was sufficient for them to overshadow the to-my-mind far-superior Beach Fossils that spawned them. I really want Beach Fossils to come back strong and show everyone how it should be done.

It's the album title that makes Creeper say, "…maybe a bit much. Dial it down a notch or two."

Between this and the 1975 review header pic, it's 3D Week at the AV Club!

[logs in as sovse chef]

Dammit, I missed this piece. Weddoes rule. Get Seamonsters, today.

Upvoted for AoL avatar.

Do ye want ta get SUED?!

A little slower and less-sloppy this time!

Top ten, anyway.

what is, in my opinion, the best action film since Die Hard

It's not actually hypocritical and you're not wrong, but it does sometimes come across as empty self-righteous preening to hear an overwhelmingly-white crowd saying "white people are the worst" (or "shows about 'white people problems' are the worst", or whatever).

The second season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt commenced principal photography in August 2015, and is set to stream on April 15, 2016.

The Hanzee "twist" was for me the biggest (really, one of the only) jarring misstep(s) of the entire season. There was just no need for it whatsoever, and it really made very little sense.

[starts up 'Two Fucks for Belly' gimmick account]

That's from Cartmansian Theater.