
Not saying the job doesn't age you (not to mention, people tend to take the job at mid-life, when biologically, everything in yr body starts to go rapidly to shit anyway), but I suspect many Presidential candidates are already grey/greying but use Grecian Formula For Men on the campaign trail (so as to look young,

You've been on the internet, right? And you've seen all the weird shit that humans are into, right? Why is it so incomprehensible that Jabba is into human chicks? He's just, like, the Hutt version of a furry. You'd best believe if humans ever get out there into space, we'll f*ck anything that moves.

Dammit Hooded Justice, I already read your comment! That's not confidential at all!

Tell me about it. I got mine like a year or two after they were actually fashionable, and it was a knock-off imitation brand too. I wasn't even a real member of the Members Only club.

How was Slowdive? I never got to see them and would have loved to.

I just don't think I can separate them this time. Whether that's because the bits meant so much to me, or because standup is an artform that puts all of the focus on the performer (Ike Turner worked with other musicians; Polanski wasn't the only person who made Chinatown) and presents the person on stage as "real"

Why do we scream at each other
This is what it sounds like
When dolphins cry

One more time, just for the halibut.

The Quietus has been trying to rehabilitate Enya for years.

You freaky, @Beast_of_man:disqus.

No, keep working. President Trump being taken out by dolphin-mounted laser is the only thing that could make "President Trump" a LESS-ludicrous scenario.

In the linked video, one is, if you catch my drift.

with their original drummer, Jimmy Chamberlain

It's not always just teenagers. Sometimes the headlining artist's fans just aren't as open-minded as the headlining artist is. Tom Petty had the Replacements open for him, as Petty was a big fan of Westerberg as a songwriter (even nicked his "rebel without a clue" line). Petty's fans were older, but too

I was afraid the Juggalos got him!

I'd never heard of it but just ordered it, based on the praise here.

And so Gavin Rossdale mounts his unwanted viral comeback.

Yeah, as a fellow big fan of both Sandman and Carey's Lucifer, I knew this had disaster written all over it from the moment I heard they were making it a procedural. This was just a bad idea.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. It's just that - and I have no personal experience with this - but I've heard that a guy, sitting alone at a hotel bar drinking expensive liquor at a big business convention, is a prime "target" for more upscale ladies of the night, since he screams "out-of-town guy with

Wow, I LOVED Black Hole and thought its themes were obvious and heartbreaking (if the Burns self-portraits in the front and back covers don't make it crystal-clear, I'm not sure what to say).