
Our Bodies, Our Elves

I'm playing Devil's Advocate, a bit, because I think death CAN arguably be a more merciful or ethical punishment, than some alternatives.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I might quibble a bit with your B.), since from one POV, almost anything is more ethical than killing someone - it's why for even the most awful, heinous crimes, the death penalty STILL isn't great - because you might have the wrong guy.

Well, sure, if someone does something inexplicable like Jeri did, he can escape. But now we are bending our perceptions of what is actually reasonable based on the inexplicable actions of one really poorly-written character.

Honestly, I'm not sure that a hi-tech cell IS better than a cheap, portable, locking ball gag. And the cell would have held him, had Jeri not sabotaged the shock system (another thing they never really explained - did she just feel guilty about his torture? Or did she really think she could safely spring him to use

It is pretty silly, in the sense that the repeated rapes didn't snap her out of it, nor did the murders he forced others to commit cause them to snap out of it. I liked the show overall, but they should have handled this question better IMO.

Remove his vocal cords.

I don't have a problem with her killing him (some folks, especially some fictional ones, just need killin') but nobody in the MCU ever heard of a ball-gag or earplugs?

Very well-said, particularly "Ritual" still describes a world I'd sort of like to live in. While Rose was soon to be making questionable comments about race and sexual orientation, Farrell was describing a world in which all of us - black, white, straight, not, religious, atheist - were locked together on a speeding

Unless someone is chasing her with a chainsaw, no deal.

I have been trying, off and on, for two years (since Extended Plays) to get into Cheatahs, on the recommendations of people whose taste I respect, but I think it's time to admit they just aren't for me.



This book is emo as all hell, but it's still really good. Having grown up in a religious climate (but very different geographical climate) some bits of it rang painfully true. And the art is phenomenal.

If York is in England, and it is, then New York for damn sure belongs in New England! That's just science!

Holy s**t, this is great. Thanks.

Butt stuffer, stuffin' butts…

But it's some stiff competition

The AVClub thought Car Seat Headrest was good enough to review:

Yeah, they said they were going to change it.