
Narc Twain's logo also begs to be stenciled anywhere skateboarders go.

This is one of my favorite AVClub Features and I hope it never dies.

Oh, I didn't realize OFWP was also Jewish.

Hey, don't make fun of his aggression. It was cold outside!

Yeah, I upvoted his rant just because it was a quality rant, but that lyric is pretty standard wink-wink nudge-nudge childish innuendo, not really misogyny.

I'm going to try this when I get a chance, thanks. Stylus Magazine used to do a feature called "Playing God", that was essentially this sort of amateur album-sequence tweaking to make albums better.

Beach Slang is OK, but a little one-dimensional. Cheatahs didn't blow me away (I have Extended Plays) but I could give them another go. Bully and Wavves are all right. I'll check out the rest, thanks!

The Hutt, The

Not in the world I grew up in, buddy. Not in the world I grew up in.

Walrus Man's severed arm tastes like seared whale blubber.

Bitter, bitter weed.


If you're talking to your kettle, you should cut back on the pot.

Thanks, I will check these out. I keep meaning to check out Wooden Shjips, because I like Moon Duo.

Since most of what you are saying here describes me pretty well also, what new-ish guitar-band records (non-metal edition) from the last few years do you recommend? I tried to get into The Men, but it didn't really stick. The Viet Cong record was pretty good. BtS and Dinosaur and Spoon have continued to be

In what? The fabled "article"? Every true AV Club commenter knows that there is nothing above the comments section, only a blank white void, into which we spew our every half-formed thought. Anyone telling you otherwise is a liar or madman.

Did she waggle her eyebrows suspiciously every time she said "Big Mac" or "supersize"?

That album was Gen-X samizdat. Everyone got their copy passed to them via someone's cool older brother or sister.

Smootchie Wallace (PBUH) says take that back or he will make blood and vomit come out of your eardrums.

They can also tell you about Tweedle Beetle Battles.