
Butt stuff.

Good lord.

YOU'RE one to talk, Mr. Mayor!

iOS Safari as well.

Well-put. Also, it was fucking stupid.

I think Doublejeans is saying, "no Guge, no spooge".

Would you accept The Nuge?

You can't just do the same joke in reply! There are RULES! We're living in a SOCIETY!

Political left.

Just think of it as Sad Sacks Beyond UnderDome.

Do you accept pointing and laughing as legal tender?


[Spike Lee angrily tweets Mike Myers' address]

Yeah, I get that their point was "music has value and artists should be paid", but making one super-duper expensive copy was…hmmm.

There's a weirdly-pleasing ironic symmetry in this news, and it doesn't make Wu-Tang's initial plan look too good (though I am aware that theirs was an art project and not a lifesaving drug).

Seconded on the Bandcamp love, since not only are the prices decent and the artists (I believe/hope) fairly compensated by their cut, but they also offer a variety of download formats - I hate paying any more than the bare minimum for lossy MP3's, but I don't mind paying a fair price for lossless files.

Because you someone eat it.

Little-known trivia: In addition to the "no-fly" list, there is also a "no-drive" and "no-pedal" list (it's called "ElDan's law"). So be on the lookout for a Conestoga wagon with blacked-out windows and a Frazetta painting on the side.

Schmidt may be a shit cop, but he's a survivor.

I'd have to go back and watch the prior ep, but did Ed and Peggy tell him either before or after he offed Dodd?