
Only a little.

Denny's, then lamenting that we went to Denny's.

Lies! This A.V. Club person doesn't even OWN pants!

And the sequel to that, Afterbirth Of A Nation, was a critical and commercial flop.

The Make Up Your Mind, Don't Just Stand There With The Fridge Door Open Like You Are Trying To Singlehandedly Combat Global Warming Games

The Who Ordered The Lobster, I'm Not Paying For That Games

The Who Ordered Pineapple, No One Fucking Likes Pineapple On Pizza Games

The 'They Fuck You In The Drive-Thru' Games

The Yeah, I Guess I Could Eat Something Games

I wasn't quibbling with the "classic" line, more indicating my agreement that said albums could be "a lot better".

Have you got anything without PRIME in it?

Calling your show Party Down South…In My Pants is a "Jared Fogle Please Don't".

Yeah, the interfaces vary widely by device. I have a Sony Blu-Ray player that is practically useless, but a Samsung one that is fine.

Aja is the Dan's creative apex

I dunno, I think the ending of "The Body" is pretty genius too - for the only time in the episode, they let the "reality" of Sunnydale briefly seep back in, with a vampire rising in the morgue where Buffy and Dawn are viewing the body, and Buffy dispatches it instantly, brutally, barely even thinking about it -

Then you flipped over to HBO for…well, you know.

I loved Homicide while it was on, but I tried to re-watch it after I'd seen The Wire and the network-procedural-ness of it was intolerable. So bear that in mind.

Mezzanine is the bomb.

I'm sorry, I just cannot get behind this reappraisal/revival of Steely Dan that has been going on the last few years. They are just awful IMO.

That header image looks like a painting. Look at the composition, textures and colors. This show is firing on all cylinders.