
is Jessica Jones the second coming of Buffy the Vampire Slayer we've all been waiting for?


Near Darth

No, that's Darth Maul.

Once you go Wookiee, you'll get no more nooky, because your arms were ripped off in the throes of passion.

That Stone Roses is in my car right now, and I don't think it will EVER become "mundane" to me. That album is inhuman perfection.

Nah, you were clear, and like I said, I'm not trying to hassle you (though I COULD point out that "Idioteque" is kind of what you get if you put "Second Bad Vilbel" and "Born Slippy.NUXX" together - that makes it no less great, but…)

It's actually mocking people with stutters. Ffuucckk Ggoolldd.

Kid A is like nothing else I've ever heard. Not even the electronic artists that influenced it.

Pablo Honey gets unfairly short shrift. It's a really good guitar-rock record that explicitly links up '80s UK postpunk bands like Smiths and Bunnymen to the roughly-contemporaneous shoegaze scene. The first-side triptych of "Stop Whispering —> Thinking About You —> Anyone Can Play Guitar" and the second-side one of

Kim Deal used to rock a Rush shirt on stage.

I guess the Duplasses get a lot of guff around these parts, but I actually really liked that show and hope it comes back.

They actually did a great bit on it in the HBO show "Togetherness":

You can't really skip the keys in "Tom Sawyer". That's just not right.

Yeah, my six-year old loves "Satisfaction", so…

Dammit, he was TOLD and TOLD not to, and now he's wasted another year!

I haven't seen them in many, many years so sounds like it's changed (Becca's evidence of that, I think) but when I was young, female Rush fans were in VERY short supply.

The key is to remember to keep it on the steering wheel. If you go down below bottom-of-window sightlines to hit the air floor tom, the people next to you may wonder what you're "beating" down there.

I've told this story I think, but back in the early '90's I was in my car coming home from work and stopped at a light. "Tom Sawyer" was playing on the radio, and I was rockin' it, as one does.

Becca interviewing Rush! It's all downhill from here, girl.