
Archers were absolutely fantastic (Mag Fields also, but at least they achieved more recognition). AoL never made a bad record (though the final one is slightly less-excellent).

I wasn't there, I don't know, and I don't wanna know.

I have it on good authority from a friend who once ended up hanging out socially with some of the Genitorturers that there are…videos.

It certainly reduces local heterogeneity, but I'm not convinced that translates to overall homogeneity

DJ Dune has Sandworms.

it truly is harder for local music scenes to give birth to a unique
sound since the internet makes it so much easier for a small musician's
influence to spread beyond what would have been possible in the past.

Look dude, I don't really care what you get up to, with your Yondr "pouch" that "closes tightly upon command", but that seems like kind of personal information to tell us all about your wife.

Another great sound design choice: After Hanzee shoots the racist barflys, you can hear all the local neighborhood dogs barking at the sound, even though you've seen no dogs. That's attention to ambient detail.

I guess the foot's on the other hand now, isn't it, Kramer?

Dodd might have been lying about the number of daughters, shooting for maximal orphan-sympathy while trying to humanize himself in the eyes of his captors. "I also work with blind puppies!"

I thought that, since the plaque commemorating the massacred Sioux was right outside, they might be some kind of Native American icons or items on the bar walls - even though the guys currently in there were some racist crackers - before the relatively-recent Wounded Knee Incident might have raised racial tensions, NA

Upvoted for "a Three Stooges wallpapering sketch."

"Fox forced to clarify" - or "disappointed"?

Yes, but you'll miss it if you get the standard "Bear Necessities" version.

That was a weird time for the band.

Earth 2 is kind of advanced Earth studies though. An easier entry point might be Hex or Bees.

It's changing, but there's still this thing in the back of people's minds where any kind of "heavy/hard" music = default "hetero" (particularly if it's primarily guitar-based - industrial and electronic were more openly LGBT-friendly from the beginning). Even in cases where in retrospect it shouldn't really be all

Who's the seat that won't cop out, when there's danger all about?

The guy who informs Clarence that it ain't White Boy Day.

"Blurzum"? You stupid monkey!