
If you like Floor, you will probably also dig related/successor band Torche. They've actually covered multiple GbV songs, and it's really interesting the way they splice that "short/melodic as hell" style into the "heavy/sludge" one.

There's a pretty great interview somewhere with Dave Wakeling, where he talks about how Pete Townshend (who LOVED "Save It For Later", and performed it live frequently - check YouTube) rang up a disbelieving Wakeling's flat, because Townshend couldn't quite figure out the unusual chord progression.

I'm not sure if that's supposed to be Eddie Vedder, or Boomhauer.

Someone I knew once judged Sunny Day Real Estate thusly: "I don't like Rush, and I don't like bands that SOUND like Rush." I like both Rush and SDRE, but that was still a pretty great slam.


How IS Beavis doing these days?

Not a PJ fan, but I give them credit for admitting that "Better Man" IS "Save It For Later" (and, for at least trying to take on Ticketmaster, even if it ultimately went nowhere).

A goatee?! I've been dragging this goat around for nothing!

I only ever got Preston School of Industry's All This Sounds Gas. It was OK…looking at my library there were six songs I ripped in, but the only one I could recall without playing it was "History of the River".

Right, the only other place I've ever heard it used is when Dennis Hopper is insulting Chris Walken by stating that Sicilians have some Moorish ancestry.

Gotta no respect.

Somebody bought da ruckus.

No, you must forever….retain those memories.

I wonder if that was her late husband's pipe.

In addition to the boss/tissue paper, The Undertaker wouldn't push the elevator buttons - one of his flunkies had to do it. Mike gets his hands dirty, but for a criminal, that can be your undoing.

When Bear was walking Simone into the woods and we had the high overhead shot, I saw that same "shimmer" or waver and wondered about the alien thing.

My (blonde) wife is fond of reminding me that one of the first times we ever spoke, when she and I were both dating other people, I told her that I was a brunette man, blondes just didn't do it for me. I think she took that as a challenge.

Good luck to you and your wife. You said this in your comment so you already know this, but in my understanding child welfare social work can be very difficult and depressing - if you are depressed and worn down all the time from your job, that will take its toll on your marriage. There's nothing wrong with you

Username/comment synergy off the fuckin' charts.
